
The Scotsman
November 16, 2009


-Nato broke international law and its own charter when it illegally attacked 
Yugoslavia. Over 1,000 civilians were killed by its bombing campaign there. 
Tens of thousands of Serb, Roma and other ethnic minorities were ethnically 
cleansed from Kosovo by the KLA as Nato troops looked on and did nothing. This 
was the reality of Nato's "humanitarian intervention". 

Quitting Nato need not be a 'parochial' act

Your editorial (14 November) claims the SNP's opposition to Nato membership 
would "leave Scotland in unsplendid isolation". To support your claim you need 
to explain why Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria and the Republic of 
Ireland are "isolated" and what it is you think these countries are missing out 
on in choosing not to be Nato members.

These countries engage with Nato members on a regular basis. With the possible 
exception of Ireland, none of these countries are particularly faring any worse 
in terms of prosperity or quality of life than countries within Nato. Even in 
Ireland's case, I doubt Nato membership would have saved them from their recent 
economic turmoil.

It's frankly ludicrous to suggest that Scotland would lose "a credible voice in 
defence and foreign affairs" simply by choosing to pursue its own defence and 
foreign policy rather than having it subordinated to the whims of Nato. On the 
contrary, by leaving Nato Scotland would gain credibility by not being part of 
an organisation which in the post-Cold War era has itself lost much of its 
former credibility. Nato broke international law and its own charter when it 
illegally attacked Yugoslavia. Over 1,000 civilians were killed by its bombing 
campaign there. 

Tens of thousands of Serb, Roma and other ethnic minorities were ethnically 
cleansed from Kosovo by the KLA as Nato troops looked on and did nothing. This 
was the reality of Nato's "humanitarian intervention". 

Scotland would put itself on the map and gain credibility on the world stage by 
leaving this organisation. What's more, given that Nato's latest military 
adventure in Afghanistan looks more likely than ever to end in defeat, the 
question "what is the point of Nato?" will become an increasingly relevant one 
in European politics over the next decade.

Lanark Road

The criticism of the SNP's long-established policy against Scotland being part 
of Nato always implies that the country would become a marginal player in any 
international initiative. While Unionist politicians shamelessly use Nato as a 
post-Empire substitute, they are never challenged as to why the SNP policy is 
parochial and wrong but the same policy adopted by Sweden and Finland is not, 
particularly when these two countries were more at risk from the Soviet Union 
than we were?

Afghanistan in all probability will break Nato not just because its members 
think that only it has right on their side, but also because without the active 
military involvement of Russia, China and India how can there be global 

A non-aligned defence policy will be a pillar of strength for Scotland. What 
the world needs are honest brokers to solve the world's crises. Scotland can 
fulfil that role.

Redhouse Cottage
Arden, Dunbartonshire 

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