Sunday Telegraph
January 31, 2010

Nato chief: more casualties and violence in Afghanistan in 2010
By Rosa Prince

The newly-appointed Nato civilian representative in Afghanistan has warned that 
2010 will bring "many more" casualties and an “awful lot of violence” in the 
fight against the Taliban 
But Mark Sedwill, the senior British diplomat who will represent the coalition 
in non-military matters, predicted that this year would also see a turning 
point in the conflict, as Nato beefed up its strategy politically and in terms 
of its fighting force. 

Predicting that troops would be fighting for between three and five more years, 
he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show: "This year will be another very challenging 

“I am sure there will be many more casualties, there will be an awful lot of 
violence. That is, I am afraid, the nature of the conflict. 

"My own view on this... is that we will probably still have troops in these 
front-line roles for three years, maybe three to five years. 

"We will have many foreign troops there in training and supporting probably for 
a decade or more." 

Mr Sedwill predicted that even once the troops departed, Afghanistan would 
require development aid for: "20, 30, 40 years, even." 

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