Signal Magazine 
February 2, 2010

Missile Defense Goes Global
Posted by Robert K. Ackerman 

Developments in missile defense have led to a capability that is international 
in nature and agnostic in application. 

That was the assessment of Gen. James E. Cartwright, USMC, vice chairman of the 
Joint Chiefs of Staff. 

Speaking at West 2010, Gen. Cartwright allowed that missile defense is much 
more capable than it was 10 years ago. 

He cited its multilayered international capability that provides greater 
defense around the world. “We have moved to a distributed global capability 
that is agnostic to where it is set up and delivered,” he said, adding that 
this system shares awareness with people who are not necessarily allies. 

Not only is the United States able to bring in indigenous systems from other 
nations, far fewer of the systems’ sensors in the network belong to the United 
States. “We are finding allies in places we never had thought we would find 
allies,” Gen. Cartwright stated, adding “We are starting to build a deterrent 
construct that will be better than mutual assured destruction.”

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