
Prague Post
February 10, 2010

Czechs in talks to host missile command center
High-level meetings under way as part of Obama administration plans
By Benjamin Cunningham

The missile-defense plan of the Obama administration shifts emphasis from 
long-range to short-range missiles.

A high-level defense policy expert with ties to Washington, D.C. said the Czech 
Republic is in discussions with the Obama administration to host a command 
center for the United States' altered missile-defense plan.

The official, who requested anonymity because discussions are ongoing, said, 
"The Czech Republic is not out of the picture."
In recent days, the Obama administration's altered missile-defense plans have 
begun to take shape as Romanian President Traian Basescu announced Feb. 4 that 
his country will host missiles. In September 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama 
scrapped the Bush administration's plan that called for interceptor missiles 
based in Poland and a radar base in Brdy, southwest of Prague.

A scaled-back successor plan called for Mediterranean Sea-based radars to 
monitor potential projectiles launched by Iran, and shorter-range missiles to 
be deployed in an undisclosed southeast European country, which now appears to 
be Romania. Among Obama's rationale for changing course was the untested nature 
of technologies proposed by the Bush administration. The Obama administration 
argues that the short-range missiles are already proven technology.

On Feb. 1, a U.S. test of the missile-defense system failed in the South 
Pacific, with the radar element to blame. The test was meant to mimic a missile 
launched from Iran and included a missile launched from Kwajalein on the 
Marshall Islands, and an interceptor from Vandenberg Air Force Base in 
California. Both of those technologies proved effective.       

"The Sea-Based X-band radar did not perform as expected," the Missile Defense 
Agency said on its Web site. Officials will investigate the cause, the agency 

This was the first-ever simulation of a long-range Iranian attack.

"If Obama needed more evidence to back his shift, the failed test gives it to 
him," said Tomas Valasek, director of foreign policy and defense with the 
London-based Centre for European Reform.
The Czech Republic has appeared to be sidelined from missile-defense 
developments in recent weeks, especially as Poland announced Jan. 21 it will 
receive American Patriot missiles and deploy them near the border with the 
Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.
But the possibility of a command center based in the Czech Republic is in its 
"early stages," the defense policy official said. Prime Minister Jan Fischer is 
slated to visit Washington D.C. as he returns from attending the Winter 
Olympics' Opening Ceremonies in Vancouver. 
- Klara Jiricna contributed to this report.

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