What is the "official" status of C# port of ANTLR 3.2 (i.e., language=CSharp3)? 
 Several of the new features of 3.2 are utilized quite a bit in "Language 
Implementation Patterns".  Most importantly, tree rewriting.

I have been using Sam Harwell's stand-alone Windows port of ANTLR 3.2 with 
success (after a few tweaks to unify member name capitalization and a 
correction to the ApplyOnce method to bring it up-to-date with the Java 
version).  The only true problem is that I would really love to use my 
ANTLR-generated parser in conjunction with Actipro Software's SyntaxEditor, but 
they only currently support the CSharp2 target (understandably).

Thanks for any info,
Kevin Carroll

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