Hi. I recently downloaded the ANTLRWorks 1.4.1 bundle for Mac and
installed. I also have a copy of the book, and was going through the
various examples. I got all the way to the tour/trees examples, the
Expr.g portion, and I ran into a problem.

I can create the Lexer and Parser files, but when I try to compile those
files with the provided Test.java, I get an error on the Eval class, namely:

Eval walker = new Eval(nodes); // create a tree parser

The Eval symbol cannot be found. I went and looked through the
associated antlrworks.jar for something like an Eval.class but didn't
find anything. I also have no idea what I'm looking for.

CLASSPATH is properly set (previous examples work), java version is
1.6.0_22. I'm running Snow Leopard, 10.6.5.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I looked for sometime on the web and
the archives and didn't see anything relevant. Thanks for the help.


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