Hi, in AW i have some problem to get ambiguous path visualization and 
cannot get ambiguous rules to become red even if compilations emits 
several warnings.
My grammar is a pure parser that import another parser grammar.
I can e-mail grammars if necessary.
I have also noticed that AW doesn't correctly recognizes rules declared 
in imported grammar file and mark these rules as "Unrecognized rule".
Moreover for lexer rules i see that AW correctly recognizes rules if 
tokenVocab option is specified, but for killing warning 160 "tokenVocab 
option ignored in imported grammar XYZ" when removing tokenVocab option 
(because the same option is specified in imported file) AW doesn't 
recognizes lexer rules.
Anyway these are only my observations and dont know if are issues or not.

Best Regards

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