On 6/24/11 7:49 PM, "Jim Idle" <j...@temporal-wave.com> wrote:

Hi Jim,

I do now third attempt switch from ANTLR2 to ANTLR3,

And reuse is very important for us, because we do parse SQL strings in the
DBMS servers ... 
I am very happy to read it should work now again in 3.4!

But I have got question after this your letter.

You say that TreeParser cannot be reused. Then:

A) what do method reset() in the generated TreeParser?
    can/should we use it?  If yes when and for what?

B) Do you mean that on each loop we must free() Nodes and TreeParser
        nodes   ->free( nodes );        nodes   = NULL;
       treePsr ->free( treePsr );      treePsr = NULL;

And then create them again

    nodes   = antlr3CommonTreeNodeStreamNewTree(langAST.tree,
    treePsr = SqlTreeParser_v3New( nodes );

Or I can just do on each loop
    treePsr->reset( treePsr  );

Thank you in advance for explain

> Because the documentation is not yet up to date, here is an example of
> reusing the allocated memory in input streams and token streams:
>     for (i=0; i<iterations; i++) {
>         // Run the parser.
>         //
>         psr->start(psr);
>         // --------------------------------------
>         // Now reset everything for the next run.
>         // Order of calls is important.
>         // Input stream can now be reused
>         //
>         input->reuse(input, sourceCode, sourceLen, sourceName);
>         // Reset the common token stream so that it will reuse its resources
>         //
>         tstream->reset(tstream);
>         // Reset the lexer (new function generated by antlr now)
>         //
>         lxr->reset(lxr);
>         // Reset the parser (new function generated by antlr now)
>         //
>         psr->reset(psr);
>     }
> Note that tree parsers cannot reuse their allocations but this is rarely an
> issue. The input->reuse() will reuse any memory it has allocated, but
> requires that you handle the reading of the input files (or otherwise supply
> a pointer to them). The input files are assumed to be encoded in the way
> that the original input was created, for instance:
> input       = antlr3FileStreamNew(fname, ANTLR3_ENC_8BIT);
> Then all reused input must be 8 bit encoded.
> Jim
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Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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