On 11/6/11 7:22 PM, "Terence Parr" <pa...@cs.usfca.edu> wrote:

Hi Terence,

> Hi, Sam Harwell and I are talking about the file extension for new ANTLR 4. We
> think it makes good sense to use .g4 to distinguish the new grammars. They're
> mostly compatible except that there is no need for syntactic predicates and
> .g4 allows immediate left recursion.

This sounds cool.

Is this already described on some pages ?

> I think it will reduce confusion about
> what version of ANTLR is necessary to compile a grammar.

Yes for me g4  sounds good.

ANTLRWorks of course should be able accept .g  and even .txt
If I drag and drop file

This is common practice for MAC OS for example.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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