Hello Jim,

I had in mind to use the half-baked make files form AolServer, but there
were various differences in the two codebases.

Naviserver tar ball comes with old Visual Studio 6 project files: they are
closer to Naviserver codebase (of course).

So I started from them, updated them for Visual Studio 2012, modified them
to target Windows 64 and modified the code as required whenever errors
appeared. So yes I am building Naviserver directly from Visual Studio 2012.

Once I finish, I will pass to the community not only the modified sources
but also the modified project files. All this stuff, if working and properly
supporting OpenACS applications, will made available as next release of





From: Jim Davidson [mailto:jgdavid...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: 10 October 2012 17:36
To: Maurizio Martignano
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] Windows 64 Progress



Excellent!  Are you building directly with Visual Studio or using some of
the half-baked make files from AolServer?







On Oct 10, 2012, at 8:58 AM, Maurizio Martignano
<maurizio.martign...@spazioit.com> wrote:

Dear all,

As you can see here:



I managed to compile the core part of Naviserver with Microsoft Visual
Studio 2012 using as target Windows 64. You can see in the picture the
modules I compiled. nspostgres and nsoracle are still to come, when I have
time. In this exercise I also included:

Tcl 8.5.12

Tk 8.5.12

Tcllib 1.14

tDOM 0.8.3

thread 2.6.7

xotcl 1.6.7


My target is to be able to support on this "platform" all OpenACS based
applications I work on at the moment.

When I have finished with nspostgres and nsoracle I will let you have the
code changes. I would like you to review them before including them into the
code repository.


This is all for the time being,




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