> I've tried to compile nssmartvh and I get the following output.  Should I
be concerned with this?

Hi Mark,

That looks fine.  You should now be able to install "nssmartvh.so" in your
$AOL_HOME/bin directory.  Running "make install" should probably handle this
for you.

You then need to edit your nsd.tcl (or nsd.ini) file to load and configure
the module.  Then restart AOLServer.  I can't help you there, as I know
nonthing about this particular module.  However, it should have been
accompanied by some documentation.

Good luck!


----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Waterhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] [AOLSERVER} AOLServer and Virtual Hosts

> Hi
> Thanks
> Mark
gcc -I/root/AOL/aolserver-3.4.2/nsd -I/root/AOL/aolserver-3.4.2/include -D_R
EENTRANT=1 -DNDEBUG=1 -g -fPIC -Wall -Wno-unused -mcpu=i686 -DHAVE_CMMSG=1 -
DUSE_FIONREAD=1 -DHAVE_COND_EINTR=1   -c -o nssmartvh.o nssmartvh.c
> /bin/rm -f nssmartvh.so
> gcc -shared -nostartfiles -o nssmartvh.so nssmartvh.o
> system# ls -l
> total 220
> -rwxr--r--    1 1000     users         789 Nov 26 11:55 Makefile
> -rwxr--r--    1 1000     users        8351 Sep 21 22:51 nssmartvh.c
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        92640 Nov 26 12:06 nssmartvh.o
> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        99194 Nov 26 12:06 nssmartvh.so
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          419 Nov 26 12:08 output

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