Dossy wrote:

> On 2001.12.23, Wojciech Kocjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hmmm. When a user logs in, he gets a new cookie with a new SID. So both
>>of them send the same SID and both of them will have the same session
>>settings/data. This shouldn't be a problem. I want to implement nsession
>>eval (similar to ns_cache eval) so that data can (but does not have to)
>>be modified by one thread at a time.

> The problem is that there can be activity BEFORE the user logs in
> that gets tracked to the "anonymous" session ... and that will get
> lost once they log in.

I set expires on the cookie to 2 weeks by default. So after logging in
the user usually remains logged in as long as he/she visits my site once
in a while.

> That's an idea.  Sessions with hitcount < 2 don't get saved
> to persistent storage.  Cool!  Thanks for the idea.

Sounds good.

> The downside is that an actual anonymous user that only hits
> the site once (creates a session, then closes their browser
> or links away from the site) won't get their session saved
> either.

Who cares about them? ;-)

I do not want to use sessions to track users

> Since I'm going through the trouble of creating a new session
> regardless, I might as well save them anyway, and just clean
> them up in the expiry process.  Doesn't really cost me that
> much, I don't think.

>>>I ran into a browser bug with Netscape ... if your webserver is
>>>just (and not Netscape won't
>>>let you set a cookie.  It looks for two periods in a hostname
>>>if it's one of the "big 7 TLDs" (you know, COM, NET, ORG, etc.)
>>>and three periods if it's a ccTLD (, .it, etc.)
>>Hmmm, very odd. I mostly use (even used
>>and NN4 did not make any problems at all for me.
> I found out the problem.  If the URL is (one
> period) and your Set-Cookie: has "" or
> "" it won't set the cookie.  Remove the
> "domain=" attribute entirely from the Set-Cookie: and it works
> for NS and IE.

I didn't use domain= - sad to admit it, but never understood what does
it exactly do.

>>>Hmm.  I'd be curious to try some benchmarks of my version (which is
>>>pure Tcl) vs. yours in C.
>>A simple helloworld+counter was about 5% slower than a simple hello
>>world when I told ab to send session by hand.
> Wait, do you mean you actually benchmarked your implementation vs.
> my implementation, and mine is 5% slower?  Or what do you mean?

<%="Hello world"%>
<% nsession init %>
<%="Hello world"%>

This is quite what you assumed...

> I think you mean that you tested a plain HTML page vs. a page that
> uses YOUR session management to implement a counter, and you found
> that adding the counter was 5% slower?


>>btw Do you know any good http benching software that supports cookies in
>> a convenient way? :)
> I _think_ WebLoad (by whoever owns it today ... RadView, Mercury,
> Platinum, I can't keep up) will use cookies intelligently.

RadView - and it's commercial, darn :(

I've been thinking about writing a small tool like ab in Tcl, but I'm
afraid that Tcl could cause it not quite accurate...

>>>I'd be willing to bet that the ability
>>>to extend my implementation rapidly will outweigh any performance
>>>gains your C implementation might offer.
>>That depends. I learnt that Tcl+C offers the best
>>performance/exdending_speed compromise (I wrote a quite fancy name-based
>>vhosting module that way - it uses tcl to resolve domain->path and
>>caches it - under 1% performance loss to not using the module).
>>Anyway, I assumed that sessions aren't that complex and can be written
>>in pure C. We can bench and compare things if you want to. I'm also
>>curious about the difference in performance.
> Well, when you have some free time, we can put together some tests.

This means on january :-)

>>>Lets put our heads together, and try getting something that people
>>>can start using -- not everyone needs or wants to use ACS ...
>>Definitely so. I tried OpenACS but it looked a bit too complex for me ;-)
>>Besides, I'd like to see some modules that allow half the stuff ACS does
>>- like news, forums, downloads, but as a nice Tcl module - so that I can
>>put something like <%=[]%> in my code :)

> Well, I think Jerry's working on some blog stuff, which depending on
> how clean the implementation is, could probably be repurposed to do
> the kind of stuff you're thinking of.

> Otherwise, I might get around to doing it.  Write a spec. for what
> you want on the AOLserver wiki, and maybe in 14 months I'll get
> around to implementing it.  *chuckle*

rotfl ;-)

I wrote a nice thingie for news - uses ns_cache, my own XML module, TBC
for more efficient code loading and so on.

BTW What shocked me in a way was that when I rewrote namespace.tcl to
append "[list load];[list source $tbcfilename]" it gave
the engine about 5-10% boost :) - even though it required opening a
file, decoding TBC and so on. And what's most interesting is that TBC
was never written with speed in mind.



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