Agree, and I'd advise that you spend a couple of days reading the TCL
book.  If you know C, you will pick up TCL in about 5 seconds and be
proficient in a week or two.  If you value your time, it's a very wise

When we first started our site we worried about stupid details like
whether we could dynamically generate our home page in TCL or whether
it would be too slow.  We opted to do whatever we wanted in TCL and
worry about performance after it became an obvious problem.  The cool
thing is, we have only had a handful of obvious problems, and often
they have been solved by writing a 30-line C function to do something
low-level like a string search in a very long text.  Most of our other
performance issues are because we sometimes write stupid database
queries that cause a sequential scan or don't get optimized the way
we expect.


> I'll second Rob's note, and I'll add that you'd be well-served to abstract
> your storage methods so that you can switch out how you manage the storage
> of your data without affecting how the application runs.  Then you can build
> a quick version that grabs stuff directly from the database, do some
> performance analysis to figure out where the bottlenecks lie, and then start
> trying various tricks to make things to faster.
> Pete.

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