You may want to look at TclX extension. Either try to load it into AS, or
look at the C code to customize it to your liking. It has extra list
functions as well as keyed lists.

On Fri, 3 May 2002 20:44:19 -0400
Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I sometimes need to assemble a list of unique values, while preserving
> the order of the list.  So when creating the list, I append a value to
> a list, but only if the value isn't already on the list.  In Tcl,
> usually I do this with the bb_lappend_uniq procedure below.  It uses a
> helper Tcl array to maintain the state info of what values are already
> on the list - presumably this is faster than calling lsearch every
> time.
> But does anyone have something to generate the same unique Tcl list,
> but implemented in C?  Or something else similar?
> Reason I care, is I have lots of key/value pairs, and each key is made
> up several strings concatenated together.  For discussion, we'll
> assume each key has the structure "ABCD".  And what I need, is a list
> of all the unique SUB-keys "AB".  Right now, I do that in Tcl.  But
> that extra pass of grubbing through all my keys is dominating my
> execution time - and it's too slow.  (There's regexp involved, etc.)
> But, I'm generating all those keys and sub-keys myself in my C code,
> so rather than tuning my Tcl, the obvious thing to do is to assemble
> my unique list of subkeys right there in C, and thus avoid having to
> iterate through all my data an extra time in Tcl.
> Note I still want to end up with a Tcl list of unique sub-keys, I just
> want the implementation done in C.  It would be extra nice if I could
> pass in a Tcl array or NSV name from Tcl to maintain the state of
> what's already on the list, because then I could pre-populate it if I
> wanted to, in order to append to an already existing list, etc.  But
> that's frosting really, it'd be ok if the C code always starts with an
> empty list and the state array/nav isn't accessible to anything
> outside my C function.
> Well, I've probably rambled on too long about something so simple, but
> before I start implementing my simple solution (using Tcl_AppendResult
> and a TclHashTable to maintain list state, I think), I figured I'd ask
> if anyone else has already done it...
> And of course, maybe somebody will point out some entirely different
> and better way to do this, instead.  :)
> ad_proc bb_lappend_uniq {{
>    -key_prefix {}
> } list_name item_name luniq_state_arr_name} {
>    Appends an item to a list <em>only</em> if that item is not already
>    on the list.  In order to avoid doing an lsearch of the whole list
>    for every single lappend, takes a helper state array which is
>    <em>must</em> alrady have an array variable defined for each item
>    already on the list, if the list is not empty.
> } {
>    upvar 1 $list_name  L
>    upvar 1 $item_name  item
>    upvar 1 $luniq_state_arr_name  arr
>    if { [info exists arr("${key_prefix}${item}")] } {
>       # Do nothing, this left_key is already on the list.
>    } else {
>       lappend L $item
>       set arr("${key_prefix}${item}") 1
>    }
> }
> ad_proc bb_luniq {L} {
>    Returns a list with all duplicates removed, and keeping the
>    original order.
>    <p>
>    Code taken from the
>    <a href="";>Tcl'ers Wiki</a>
> } {
>    set t {}
>    foreach i $L {if {[lsearch -exact $t $i]==-1} {lappend t $i}}
>    return $t
> }
> --
> Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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