When running the following code

    set fd [open ${fn}.body w]
    fconfigure $fd -translation binary
    set t1 [time {ns_conncptofp $fd}]
    close $fd

I get the following error

    Error writing content: resource temporarily unavailable
    while executing "ns_conncptofp $fd"

Not sure where to start. This code is from a post of Simos Gabrielidis
earlier this year. I am  just interested in having a reliable way to let
clients upload files via the browser.

I also tried the code posted by Scott S. Goodwin in Feb '02

    set ctbegin [clock seconds]
    set remotefile [ns_queryget path]
    set uploadfilename [ns_queryget clientfile]
    set tmpfile [ns_queryget clientfile.tmpfile]
    set ctend [clock seconds]
    set ct [expr $ctend - $ctbegin]

the upload seems to work though the timing code does not. All of my uploads
are timed at 0 seconds.

I am running AOL 3.4 on redhat 6.2


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