I have a request to all posters to the AOLserver discussion group:

please take the time to use reasonably good subject lines in your
messages. The subject line above doesn't tell me anything about the
content, but it could. I better line might have been:

   AS 3.4 and PG 7.2.1 - occasional crash

Having good subject lines makes it a lot easier to both determine if
you're interested in reading the message, and helps when you go to
listserv to search all messages.

Didn't mean to pick on you personally, Nate; you just gave me a
convenient example. I am also guilty of creating useless subject lines.
I am changing my ways...  :)



-----Original Message-----
From: AOLserver Discussion [mailto:AOLSERVER@;LISTSERV.AOL.COM] On Behalf
Of Nate Haggard
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 5:16 PM
Subject: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver

I am using AOLserver 3.4 and PostgreSQL 7.2.1.  Occasionally AOLserver
will just crash.  I get an error like this in the serverlog:
"[25/Oct/2002:15:50:00][1413.883783][-conn633-] Error:"  It has
something to do with the database driver because I can duplicate the
behavior if I do a query without single quotes '.  Is this normal
behavior?  I would rather see a descriptive error about a failed query
because it is difficult to debug this way.

Nate Haggard

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