On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 11:03 PM, Nathan Folkman wrote:

What are the major differences that would need to be bridged between the
stock 3.5.1 code base and 3.3+ad13
The ACS version of AOLserver has i18n support and changes in the DB
interface to support bind variables for the Oracle driver.  The bind
variable support is roughly equivalent to the stored procedure parameter
support of the Sybase driver, but, of course, implemented differently.
Beyond that, there are a few bug fixes, I think, but I haven't seen a list.
  It's the i18n and bind variables support that prevent ACS users from
using a stock AOLserver.

I think the OpenACS project has refactored a bunch of these changes, and
now has their own distribution of AOLserver, so someone from there (Simon?
  Rob?) may be able to step in and enumerate the changes or provide a
reference list.

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