In a message dated 1/20/2003 12:39:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I was perusing the AOLServer 4 source code over the weekend and I saw a
note in nsd/adpparse.c which said that aolserver no longer supported
custom ADP parsers. I can't recall the name of the package, but there
was a custom ADP parser that someone pointed me to that behaved a bit
differently than the normal ADP parser in that it supported the
following coding style:


foreach thing $list_of_things {
... html ...

... more html ...



Does AOLServer 4's ADP parser allow you to break in and out of ADP code
blocks within control structures like this?

No, it doesn't.  Each "chunk" of ADP must be a valid Tcl script as they're all executed independently.  A parser which could handle the above would basically convert the whole page into a single script.  Downside with that solution is an error anywhere in the page would generally result in no output which is why it's not done that way.  Perhaps it could be a config option, maybe mapped to specfic files when the single-script approach would be useful?


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