On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, at 03:48 PM, Andrew Piskorski wrote:

Incidentally, Apache/1.3.26, the version shipped with Debian 3.0, DOES
implement TRACE.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 01:04:36PM -0800, Jade Rubick wrote:
Does Aolserver implement the TRACE command?


I just pointed that out to my management chain and the other groups in my organization who use Apache and IIS. Here's the message I sent:

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If you aren't already aware, there appears to be a serious cross-site vulnerability that uses the TRACE HTTP method to do its dirty work. This vulnerability is not affected by SSL.

Please read:


I know Apache uses the TRACE method (I just looked at the source code for Apache), but it may not be vulnerable depending on how Apache is configured. I can't determine if IIS is vulnerable, because, well, I don't have the source code.

We use AOLserver for EMIS, which is not vulnerable. I've added extra checking to the EMIS request processor 5 minutes ago to log any attempts to use HTTP methods that we don't accept so we can identify attempts to use TRACE. Here's the piece of code I added to do that:

if {! [regexp -nocase {get|post|head} $http_method]} {
   ns_log warning "BAD HTTP METHOD: $http_method from $peer_addr: HTTP REQ=$request"
   ns_return 403 text/html [ns_adp_parse -file /emis/pages/errors/errorframe.adp 403]
   return filter_return
} else {
   ns_log notice "$http_method request for $request from $peer_addr"

AOLserver is such a *sweet* web server. You should really consider switching :)


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So, thank you AOL, the AOL dev team, and everyone in the community who uses and has helped maintain and improve AOLserver. You've made my life so much easier.


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