On 2003.01.30, Peter M. Jansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Again, from an ease-of-use standpoint, AOLserver has a hard time
> competing with CF.

Being that I've been developing in CF for years now, including an
e-commerce site built entirely in CF, I definitely agree with everything
you said that I've snipped above.

> Now, if the app tests the boundaries of CF, you start to get a fighting
> chance with AOLserver, because AOLserver has finer-grained APIs, and you
> can adapt an AOLserver to fit your problem, where, with CF, you'll end up
> doing more fitting your problem to CF.

Even here, CF trumps AOLserver for the most part.  We needed a
specialized handler for a custom inter-application communication
protocol which was XML based.  I simply spent a few hours writing
a parser and generator that linked to Xerces-C++ and wrote a custom
CFX tag in C++ for ColdFusion.

IMHO, in 2003, since ColdFusion 5.x introduced UDFs (user-defined
functions), CF5 is finally an attractive app. development platform.

I am, however, seriously displeased that the next version after 5.x,
CFMX, is based on some Java runtime inside a J2EE engine.  Very
disappointed -- I suspect the quality of the CF server to seriously go
downhill after this maneuver.

I once started writing a CFML parser and runtime in Perl so I could run
CF apps under Apache on Linux (before Macromedia actually ported to
Linux).  I may do the same thing -- write a CFML parser and runtime in
Tcl -- so I could run CF under AOLserver.

As I said to Scott offlist, I did write a custom CFX tag, called
CFX_TCL, that lets you evaluate Tcl code from your CF app.  I'm going to
hell for it, I know ...

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network             web: http://www.panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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