4.0b2 on RH8, at the moment, but it was a customized 6.2 up until last
Wednesday, all with the -b running.  My nssock is global, and here's its

ns_section ns/module/nssock
ns_param   port            $httpport
ns_param   hostname        $hostname
ns_param   address         $address

Where I've previously done:

set httpport 80
set hostname somehostname
set address

If you don't set the address in the nssock config, it might use INADDR_ANY
as the default, and if you don't prebind to all addresses (including the
loopback), you would probably get permission failures binding to the port.

On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 10:47 AM, Brett Schwarz wrote:

Hummm, I have tried it on 2 different machines now, and it still does
not work...even with the -b option. I have tried other ports as well
(i.e. 81, 82, etc).

What version of 4.0 do you have (i.e. beta 1, beta 2, cvs)?

I tried the same with 3.5.1, and that worked.

I am on SuSE Linux 7.3, if that matters at all.

Humm, I guess I need to do some more digging...



On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 17:24, Peter M. Jansson wrote:
On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 07:20 PM, Brett Schwarz wrote:

However, NsPreBind does
nothing is the -b or -B option are not given, when, I believe it should
pre bind anyways from what is given in the config file. I could be wrong

My inittab line:

ww:345:respawn:/usr/local/aolserver-4.0/bin/nsd -i -b -u
web -g web -t /usr/local/aolserver-4.0/click.tcl

You must specify the -b on the command line, It does work.

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