>> Is this required to ensure that memory is reclaimed?  I had naively
>> that Tcl/AOLserver would take care of this (that is, that variables
>> within a connection or procedure would be torn down upon closure of the
>> connection without manual intervention).  Is this not the case?

> This would cover only global vars and file channels, nothing else.
> Any namespaced variables are not takein in account.

Just to be clear - we are not explicitly using namespaces anywhere in our
scripts.  We are just "set"-ing local variables, e.g.:

set foo bar

I believe this is standard programming practice with AOLserver.  Is it
correct that AOLserver simply abandons memory allocated to such local
variables after a script has executed?  I have to confess that I'm *very*
surprised that this is the case.

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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