It's not an unknown reason, it's a remote root which you guys already
fixed in 3.4...add the Content-Length check to 4.0 and you should be set.


Zoran Vasiljevic wrote:

On Monday 24 November 2003 16:20, you wrote:

We are running aolserver 4GM on debian and are having trouble keeping it
alive. The problem seems to be that somehow, aolserver continually respawns
until there are ~100 or more processes running (identified by a ps). At
that point, aolserver either just hangs, with nothing notable in the log
file, or sometimes it will stop with an error message like:

unable to alloc 2849420 bytes

The things cores always. The hang is really not a hang. It just looks so. We've already seen reports in which, due to some memory/system shortage (or yet unknown reason) the beast simply dies. I could point you to look at the top and observe the amount of memory available (core + swap) in the moment it dies, but we've done that already and it brought us nowhere :(

It is a difficult issue...


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