I'm having a problem with tDom.  I was going to ask on their mailing
list, but they use Yahoo groups, which happens to be down.
Hoping someone here may know what's going on :)

I'm trying to include an xslt template from within another (included)
xslt template.

The inclusion (from within map_results.xsl):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
<xsl:include  href="poi_list.xsl"/>

The call:
<xsl:call-template name="poiList"/>

and the error:
couldn't open "map_results.xsl/poi_list.xsl": no such file or directory

It seems that tdom is using the current node as the base uri.

Here's the call to the parser:
set domxsl [dom parse -externalentitycommand externalEntityRefHandler
-baseurl $templatePath -channel $xslfile]

The base url, templatePath, is the directory where map_results.xsl and
poi_list.xsl live.

I'm using tDom 0.7.8.

My questions are,
 - is this desired behaviour?
 - if so, how can I get around it (and who desires it??) :)


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