On Friday 11 March 2005 08:06, you wrote:
> Every once in a while, I'll look at the Members list for the AOLserver
> Project at SourceForge and want to go clean it up (remove inactive
> folks) -- especially ex-AOL employees who likely won't touch AOLserver
> again, now that they're gone.
> To that end, I'd like to clean up the /entire/ list, so I'm going to
> attempt to email everyone on the list who I'm calling "inactive" (have
> not heard from either directly or seen on the mailing list in the past
> 3-6 months or more) asking whether they wish to keep their developer/CVS
> access to the AOLserver Project.  I will be sending email to the
> "username at users.sourceforge.net" email alias, so if you don't receive
> a mail from me and you're on the Members list, you should go log into
> SourceForge and check what address you've given them and ensure it's
> still valid and not bouncing.

I would like to keep my developer access.

tom jackson (rmadilo of sf)

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
with the
body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: 
field of your email blank.

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