Whilst playing with a new 4.5.0 build, I suddenly noticed that I was only getting one concurrent connection thread running - eek!

My test case was to have as minimal a config as possible, and then concurrently request an ADP file which has "log starting, sleep for a while, log ending" logic. And lo:

[04/Aug/2006:15:30:20][12331.3072015280][-conn:0-] Debug: start
[04/Aug/2006:15:30:30][12331.3072015280][-conn:0-] Debug: end
[04/Aug/2006:15:30:30][12331.3070958512][-conn:1-] Debug: start
[04/Aug/2006:15:30:40][12331.3070958512][-conn:1-] Debug: end

Before I start pouring over the code... surely I'm doing something stupid here? I can't believe no-one else has used 4.5.0 in earnest and not noticed it. If it is a bug, I guess it's to do with the new ns_limits & ns_pools stuff.

Speaking of which, what's the deal with how this is supposed to be configured? Should the TCL commands just be called from the config? It seems that the old maxthreads etc commands are no longer used, which is going to bite people upgrading - especially when they're still given in examples/config/base.tcl A migration document would be incredibly useful here. I'm happy to put something on the Wiki, but need to understand it myself first.

Stuart Children

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