On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Bas Scheffers <b...@scheffers.net> wrote:
> On Saturday, October 31, 2009 10:30pm, "Dave Bauer" 
> <d...@thedesignexperience.org> said:
>> Of course you can say apt-get install aolserver4 already.
> Of course you can, but then what? Then you still have this completely alien 
> server in front of you that you will need to configure. It puts people off. 
> being just another language and API an Apache environment is going to be much 
> more appealing to most users.
> The vast majority of people that *use* LAMP and not developers, nor have any 
> heroic sysadmin skills. They just download WordPress or Drupal or Gallery, 
> dump it into their page root and away they go. They may tweak a few templates 
> with PHP code in them, but that's it.
> That's the kind of simplicity AOLserver needs to grow. We live in an Apache 
> world; if you can't beat them, join them...

I guess the question is: once you have made all these changes to
AOLserver, what exactly do you have left? The answer is Apache running
Tcl. Why not start with Tcl and run it under FastCGI? Which AOLserver
API do you wish to continue to use after you add on Apache? I have an
nsd emulation layer which replaces ns_conn, ns_return, etc, so that
most tcl pages run as expected, I have another adapter which allows
this layer to run inside of tclhttpd, which is similar to CGI. This
allows my tcl pages to run inside AOLserver, tclhttpd, tcpserver,
nstclsh, stand-along [socket] or [socket] with threads. It uses the
same startup script in every case.

What do I lose? Filters, modules, speed, ns_config.

If we could somehow get modules and ns_config to work with nstclsh, it
is relatively easy to replace the filter/registered proc functionality
(already done that too) in Tcl code.

So the only thing left is speed. I can wait a year and hardware
improvements will solve that one by itself.

But for me the big thing is the database API and connections. Only
AOLserver provides that piece, so someone would have to demonstrate
that modules would still work as they do in AOLserver before I could
imagine this working.

tom jackson

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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