Tcl doesn't implement the null concept. 'set foo ""' sets foo to the empty string, not null.

Right but there's a big difference between this
set val NULL
set sql "update mytable set mycolumn=$val"

and this

set val NULL
set sql "update mytable set mycolumn=[ns_quotedb $val]"

I'm not sure what would happen if you had actual binding, like the oracle driver and did this

set val NULL
set sql "update mytable set mycolumn=:val"

but I suspect it would work as expected (you'd get NULL in the column). With ns_dbquote it would depend on what type the column was, if it was text/string based you'd get the actual string "NULL", with something like a date or an integer, it would probably throw an error.

The compatibility mode, as it's described (never used it) is very nice but probably doesn't act like actual variable binding in every possible case?

Don Baccus

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