This is just a quick note to anyone using ns_internalredirect,
especially as a replacement for ns_rewriteurl, provided by the C
module nsrewrite.


ns_rewriteurl is a simple Tcl command wrapper around Ns_SetRequestUrl().

The result of the rewrite is that all following filter matching and/or
registered proc matching are based upon the new url.

ns_internalredirect does something different. It wraps
Ns_ConnRedirect(). This function keeps track of recursion loops, calls
Ns_SetRequestUrl() and then actually performs a mini-request. The
mini-request does two things: runs the authorization proc for the new
url and if OK, runs the request.

So what are the actual and potential problems with this?

My guess is that this works fine if Ns_ConnRedirect() is called in the
"registered proc" state, but I'm not sure that even this is safe.

What is an observable error/bug is when ns_internalredirect is called
within a filter prior to choosing and running the registered proc.
What I see in log files is two invocations of the registered proc,
although only one is actually returned to the client. This behavior
could lead to application misbehavior or even failure. For instance,
you might POST data twice.

However, this is an easily observed problem. A more serious issue is
the potential short circuiting of certain code paths which were
planned before a request runs.

Imagine that a preauth filter calls ns_internalredirect. What happens
is that this causes a mini-request which skips all remaining preauth
filters and all postauth filters before running the registered proc.
Then...I guess, this mini-request terminates and returns to the filter
(usually with NS_OK). The filter then probably returns FILTER_OK and
the original request, with a new url proceeds. Eventually the original
request chooses the same registered proc and runs it. Then trace and
cleanup filters run, covering up the damage.

There are a large number of simple circumstances where this works
okay, but they all require that the ns_internalredirect was called
during the running of the registered proc. This is because when the
mini-request returns, there is no more code to run, the registered
proc has already been chosen so the state machine moves on to trace

tom jackson

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