The code that each connection thread runs to service a connection is wrapped 
within a while loop that starts at whatever you set ns/threads -> maxconns to 
and counts down to zero. When it reaches 0, a connection thread exits. If 
ns/threads -> maxconns is set to 0, then your connection threads don't have a 
limit on how many connections each one can handle and don't exit because 
they've serviced a given number of connections. See the NsConnThread function 
in queue.c.


On Feb 15, 2011, at 9:49 AM, Levy Bajamundi wrote:

> Hi,
> Since we moved to Aolserver 4.5.1, we've been getting alot of these on our 
> logs: 'Notice: exiting: exceeded max connections per thread'. Does that mean 
> that Aolserver is receiving more connections than it can handle? If so, what 
> would you recommend us do? Our servers are running on Debian Lenny 64bit with 
> 3gb ram.
> Here's our configurations file:
> set nsthread_stacksize     [expr 10*128*1024]
> set adp_cachesize          [expr 512*1024]
> set threads_maxthreads     18
> set threads_minthreads     1
> ...
> ns_section "ns/server/${servername}"
> ns_param   directoryfile   
> "index.tcl,index.tct,index.vuh,index.atcl,index.adp,index.html,index.htm"
> ns_param   pageroot        $pageroot
> ns_param   enabletclpages  true     ;# Parse *.tcl files in pageroot.
> ns_param   maxthreads      $threads_maxthreads        ;# Tune this to scale 
> your server
> ns_param   minthreads      $threads_minthreads         ;# Tune this to scale 
> your server
> ns_param   maxconnections  [expr $threads_maxthreads * 7]       ;# Max 
> connections to put on queue
> ns_section "ns/threads"
> ns_param   stacksize         $nsthread_stacksize
> ns_param   mutexmeter      true
> ns_param   maxthreads      $threads_maxthreads        ;# Tune this to scale 
> your server
> ns_param   minthreads       $threads_minthreads         ;# Tune this to scale 
> your server
> ns_param   maxconnections  [expr $threads_maxthreads * 7]       ;# Max 
> connections to put on queue
> Here's our pools.tcl file:
> if {[info commands ns_pools] ne ""} {
>     set cfgsection "ns/threads"
>     set minthreads [ns_config $cfgsection minthreads 0]
>     set maxthreads [ns_config $cfgsection maxthreads 10]
>     set maxconns   [ns_config $cfgsection maxconns [ns_config $cfgsection 
> ConnsPerThread 100]]
>     set timeout    [ns_config $cfgsection threadtimeout 120]
>     set spread     [ns_config $cfgsection spread 20]
>     ns_pools set default -minthreads $minthreads -maxthreads $maxthreads 
> -maxconns $maxconns -timeout $timeout -spread $spread
>     set cfgsection "ns/server/[ns_info server]"
>     ns_log notice "default thread pool: [ns_pools get default]"
>     set minbusythreads      [ns_config $cfgsection MinBusyThreads 0]
>     set maxbusythreads      [ns_config $cfgsection MaxBusyThreads 10]
>     ns_pools set error -minthreads $minbusythreads -maxthreads 
> $maxbusythreads -timeout $timeout -maxconns $maxconns -spread $spread
>     ns_log notice "error thread pool: [ns_pools get error]"
>     if {[info commands ns_limits] ne ""} {
>         if {[set maxinput [ns_config $cfgsection/module/nssock maxinput]] ne 
> ""} {
>             ns_limits set default -maxupload $maxinput
>         }
>         set maxwait         [ns_config $cfgsection MaxWait 100]
>         set maxwaittime     [ns_config $cfgsection MaxWaitTime 60]
>         ns_limits set default -maxrun $maxthreads -maxwait $maxwait -timeout 
> $maxwaittime
>         ns_log notice "default limits: [ns_limits get default]"
>     }
> }
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Levy Bajamundi
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