Hello there,

We use a handful of web services in running our ecommerce site, and they use ns_httpspost (from https.tcl) to post SOAP data. Since this one integration went live about 6 months ago, we've been noticing that occasionally a request would hang up the page. What I notice is that aolserver triggers the following error in our logs while posting the request:

Warning: nsopenssl (instancename): SSL write interrupted: unexpected eof

This error doesn't bubble up to ns_httpsopen in a way that it can catch, so that function then waits forever for a response from the server. Unrequited SOAP is so tragic...

As an aside, I'm using the nsopenssl I picked up from SourceForge -- called "nsopenssl-3.0beta26". Is that the best choice?

I did some digging and realized that the "unexpected eof" message is triggered when SSL_write (in NsOpenSSLConnOp) returns 0, which it's doing because it's told to write 0 bytes by ChanOutputProc. This only happens intermittently, so I assume the data being posted is some magic length. It would probably be best to figure out why that function is being called when there's no data left to write, but I went with a really simple fix that prevents NsOpenSSLConnOp from being called in that case. Patch attached.


AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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diff -Naur nsopenssl-3.0beta26/tclcmds.c nsopenssl-3.0beta26-eoffix/tclcmds.c
--- nsopenssl-3.0beta26/tclcmds.c       2004-06-13 00:21:31.000000000 -0400
+++ nsopenssl-3.0beta26-eoffix/tclcmds.c        2011-02-24 15:40:36.000000000 
@@ -1580,7 +1580,9 @@
     ChanInfo *chaninfo = (ChanInfo *) arg;
     int       rc       = 0;
-    rc = NsOpenSSLConnOp(chaninfo->sslconn->ssl, (void *) buf, towrite, 
+       if (towrite > 0) {
+               rc = NsOpenSSLConnOp(chaninfo->sslconn->ssl, (void *) buf, 
+       }
     return rc;

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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