>Number:         2989
>Category:       os-hpux
>Synopsis:       Virtual Host does not work properly
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    apache
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   apache
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Sep 10 20:10:01 PDT 1998
>Originator:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Release:        1.3.1
HP-UX 11.00 (June 1998 Edition with Software Extension Patch 9806)
HP Ansi C compiler
Patch applied - PHNE_15995
Is not able to get Name Virtual Host to work properly, the message display is
Forbidden to access / .  The DNS for the Virtual Hosts are set properly,which 
alias to the actual server name.  The "DocumentRoot" directive in "VirtualHost" 
directive is set properly.  The permissions of the files in the "DocumentRoot" 
set to rw-r--r-- and the owner as www which is the same as "User" directive in 

Tried with IP Virtual Host, with the changes made to the config files as well
as the DNS, and the IP address configuration, the same problem still exist.

Sample of the "access log" for the virtual host
X.X.X.X - - [11/Sep/1998:09:48:24 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 403 198
Browser used for testing is Netscape Navigtor 4.05
Nothing was log in the "error log" for the Virtual Host

Sample of the Virtual Host Directive in httpd.conf


ServerName abc.def.com         (this is an alias to the actual host name in DNS)
DocumentRoot /opt/apache/share/virtual1
ErrorLog /opt/apache/var/log/virtual1-error.log
TransferLog /opt/apache/var/log/virtual1-access.log

ServerName def.def.com         (this is an alias to the actual host name in DNS)
DocumentRoot /opt/apache/share/virtual2
ErrorLog /opt/apache/var/log/virtual2-error.log
TransferLog /opt/apache/var/log/virtual2-access.log

I think it could be some configuration problem, but not too sure about that.
The browsers are able to access the Virtual Hosts, but not able to read the html
files in the Virtual Host directory.


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