akosut      96/08/06 12:31:15

  Modified:    src       alloc.c alloc.h http_config.h mod_cgi.c
                        util_script.c  util_script.h
  Add ScriptLog directive to cgi_module, with accompanying hooks in the
  core code.
  Reviewed by: Jim Jagielski
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.9       +36 -3     apache/src/alloc.c
  Index: alloc.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/alloc.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.8
  retrieving revision 1.9
  diff -C3 -r1.8 -r1.9
  *** alloc.c   1996/07/25 19:32:25     1.8
  --- alloc.c   1996/08/06 19:31:04     1.9
  *** 852,864 ****
      a->subprocesses = new;
  ! int spawn_child (pool *p, void (*func)(void *), void *data,
  !              enum kill_conditions kill_how,
  !              FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out)
      int pid;
      int in_fds[2];
      int out_fds[2];
  --- 852,865 ----
      a->subprocesses = new;
  ! int spawn_child_err (pool *p, void (*func)(void *), void *data,
  !                  enum kill_conditions kill_how,
  !                  FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out, FILE **pipe_err)
      int pid;
      int in_fds[2];
      int out_fds[2];
  +   int err_fds[2];
  *** 876,881 ****
  --- 877,893 ----
        return 0;
  +   if (pipe_err && pipe (err_fds) < 0) {
  +     if (pipe_in) {
  +       close (in_fds[0]); close (in_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     if (pipe_out) {
  +       close (out_fds[0]); close (out_fds[1]);
  +     }
  +     unblock_alarms();
  +     return 0;
  +   }
      if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
        if (pipe_in) {
          close (in_fds[0]); close (in_fds[1]);
  *** 883,888 ****
  --- 895,903 ----
        if (pipe_out) {
          close (out_fds[0]); close (out_fds[1]);
  +     if (pipe_err) {
  +       close (err_fds[0]); close (err_fds[1]);
  +     }
        return 0;
  *** 902,907 ****
  --- 917,928 ----
          close (in_fds[0]);
  +     if (pipe_err) {
  +       close (err_fds[0]);
  +       dup2 (err_fds[1], STDERR_FILENO);
  +       close (err_fds[1]);
  +     }
        /* HP-UX SIGCHLD fix goes here, if someone will remind me what it is... 
        signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);      /* Was that it? */
  *** 935,940 ****
  --- 956,973 ----
        if (*pipe_in) note_cleanups_for_file (p, *pipe_in);
  +   }
  +   if (pipe_err) {
  +     close (err_fds[1]);
  + #ifdef __EMX__
  +     /* Need binary mode set for OS/2. */
  +     *pipe_err = fdopen (err_fds[0], "rb");
  + #else
  +     *pipe_err = fdopen (err_fds[0], "r");
  + #endif
  +     if (*pipe_err) note_cleanups_for_file (p, *pipe_err);
  1.8       +5 -2      apache/src/alloc.h
  Index: alloc.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/alloc.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -C3 -r1.7 -r1.8
  *** alloc.h   1996/07/25 19:32:26     1.7
  --- alloc.h   1996/08/06 19:31:05     1.8
  *** 228,235 ****
    enum kill_conditions { kill_never, kill_always, kill_after_timeout, 
  ! int spawn_child (pool *, void (*)(void *), void *,
  !              enum kill_conditions, FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out);
    #ifdef __EMX__
    int spawn_child_os2 (pool *, void (*)(void *), void *,
             enum kill_conditions, FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out, char 
*buffer, int lenp);
  --- 228,238 ----
    enum kill_conditions { kill_never, kill_always, kill_after_timeout, 
  ! int spawn_child_err (pool *, void (*)(void *), void *,
  !              enum kill_conditions, FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out,
  !                  FILE **pipe_err);
  ! #define spawn_child(p,f,v,k,in,out) spawn_child_err(p,f,v,k,in,out,NULL)
    #ifdef __EMX__
    int spawn_child_os2 (pool *, void (*)(void *), void *,
             enum kill_conditions, FILE **pipe_in, FILE **pipe_out, char 
*buffer, int lenp);
  1.10      +1 -1      apache/src/http_config.h
  Index: http_config.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/http_config.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision 1.10
  diff -C3 -r1.9 -r1.10
  *** http_config.h     1996/07/28 19:27:43     1.9
  --- http_config.h     1996/08/06 19:31:05     1.10
  *** 201,207 ****
     * handle it back-compatibly, or at least signal an error).
  ! #define MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER 19960725
    /* Generic accessors for other modules to get at their own module-specific
  --- 201,207 ----
     * handle it back-compatibly, or at least signal an error).
  ! #define MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER 19960806
    /* Generic accessors for other modules to get at their own module-specific
  1.13      +235 -39   apache/src/mod_cgi.c
  Index: mod_cgi.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/mod_cgi.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -C3 -r1.12 -r1.13
  *** mod_cgi.c 1996/07/28 19:27:48     1.12
  --- mod_cgi.c 1996/08/06 19:31:06     1.13
  *** 51,57 ****
     * http_script: keeps all script-related ramblings together.
  --- 51,56 ----
  *** 74,79 ****
  --- 73,80 ----
    #include "http_log.h"
    #include "util_script.h"
  + module cgi_module;
    /* KLUDGE --- for back-combatibility, we don't have to check ExecCGI
     * in ScriptAliased directories, which means we need to know if this
     * request came through ScriptAlias or not... so the Alias module
  *** 86,91 ****
  --- 87,264 ----
        return t && (!strcmp (t, "cgi-script"));
  + /* Configuration stuff */
  + #define DEFAULT_LOGBYTES 10385760
  + #define DEFAULT_BUFBYTES 1024
  + typedef struct {
  +     char *logname;
  +     long logbytes;
  +     int bufbytes;
  + } cgi_server_conf;
  + void *create_cgi_config (pool *p, server_rec *s)
  + {
  +     cgi_server_conf *c = 
  +       (cgi_server_conf *)pcalloc (p, sizeof(cgi_server_conf));
  +     c->logname = NULL;
  +     c->logbytes = DEFAULT_LOGBYTES;
  +     c->bufbytes = DEFAULT_BUFBYTES;
  +     return c;
  + }
  + void *merge_cgi_config (pool *p, void *basev, void *overridesv)
  + {
  +     cgi_server_conf *base = (cgi_server_conf *)basev,
  +       *overrides = (cgi_server_conf *)overrides;
  +     return overrides->logname ? overrides : base;
  + }
  + char *set_scriptlog (cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, char *arg) {
  +     server_rec *s = cmd->server;
  +     cgi_server_conf *conf = 
  +       (cgi_server_conf *)get_module_config(s->module_config, &cgi_module);
  +     conf->logname = arg;
  +     return NULL;
  + }
  + char *set_scriptlog_length (cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, char *arg) {
  +     server_rec *s = cmd->server;
  +     cgi_server_conf *conf = 
  +       (cgi_server_conf *)get_module_config(s->module_config, &cgi_module);
  +     conf->logbytes = atol (arg);
  +     return NULL;
  + }
  + char *set_scriptlog_buffer (cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, char *arg) {
  +     server_rec *s = cmd->server;
  +     cgi_server_conf *conf = 
  +       (cgi_server_conf *)get_module_config(s->module_config, &cgi_module);
  +     conf->bufbytes = atoi (arg);
  +     return NULL;
  + }
  + command_rec cgi_cmds[] = {
  + { "ScriptLog", set_scriptlog, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE1,
  +   "the name of a log for script debugging info"},
  + { "ScriptLogLength", set_scriptlog_length, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE1,
  +   "the maximum length (in bytes) of the script debug log"},
  + { "ScriptLogBuffer", set_scriptlog_buffer, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE1,
  +   "the maximum size (in bytes) to record of a POST request"},
  + { NULL}
  + };
  + int log_scripterror(request_rec *r, cgi_server_conf *conf, int ret,
  +                 char *error)
  + {
  +     FILE *f;
  +     log_reason(error, r->filename, r);
  +     if (!conf->logname ||
  +     ((stat(server_root_relative(r->pool, conf->logname), &r->finfo) == 0)
  +     && (r->finfo.st_size > conf->logbytes)) ||
  +     ((f = pfopen(r->pool, server_root_relative(r->pool, conf->logname),
  +                  "a")) == NULL)) {
  +       return ret;
  +     }
  +     /* "%% [Wed Jun 19 10:53:21 1996] GET /cgi-bin/printenv HTTP/1.0" */
  +     fprintf(f, "%%%% [%s] %s %s%s%s %s\n", get_time(), r->method, r->uri,
  +         r->args ? "?" : "", r->args ? r->args : "", r->protocol);
  +     /* "%% 500 /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin */
  +     fprintf(f, "%%%% %d %s\n", ret, r->filename);
  +     fprintf(f, "%%error\n%s\n", error);
  +     pfclose(r->pool, f);
  +     return ret;
  + }
  + int log_script(request_rec *r, cgi_server_conf *conf, int ret,
  +            char *dbuf, char *sbuf, FILE *script_in, FILE *script_err)
  + {
  +     table *hdrs_arr = r->headers_in;
  +     table_entry *hdrs = (table_entry *)hdrs_arr->elts;
  +     char argsbuffer[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
  +     FILE *f;
  +     int i;
  +     if (!conf->logname ||
  +     ((stat(server_root_relative(r->pool, conf->logname), &r->finfo) == 0)
  +     && (r->finfo.st_size > conf->logbytes)) ||
  +     ((f = pfopen(r->pool, server_root_relative(r->pool, conf->logname),
  +                  "a")) == NULL)) {
  +       /* Soak up script output */
  +       while (fgets(argsbuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, script_in) != NULL)
  +     continue;
  +       while (fgets(argsbuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, script_err) != NULL)
  +     continue;
  +       return ret;
  +     }
  +     /* "%% [Wed Jun 19 10:53:21 1996] GET /cgi-bin/printenv HTTP/1.0" */
  +     fprintf(f, "%%%% [%s] %s %s%s%s %s\n", get_time(), r->method, r->uri,
  +         r->args ? "?" : "", r->args ? r->args : "", r->protocol);
  +     /* "%% 500 /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin */
  +     fprintf(f, "%%%% %d %s\n", ret, r->filename);
  +     fputs("%request\n", f);
  +     for (i = 0; i < hdrs_arr->nelts; ++i) {
  +       if (!hdrs[i].key) continue;
  +       fprintf(f, "%s: %s\n", hdrs[i].key, hdrs[i].val);
  +     }
  +     if ((r->method_number == M_POST || r->method_number == M_PUT)
  +     && *dbuf) {
  +       fprintf(f, "\n%s\n", dbuf);
  +     }
  +     fputs("%response\n", f);
  +     hdrs_arr = r->err_headers_out;
  +     hdrs = (table_entry *)hdrs_arr->elts;
  +     for (i = 0; i < hdrs_arr->nelts; ++i) {
  +       if (!hdrs[i].key) continue;
  +       fprintf(f, "%s: %s\n", hdrs[i].key, hdrs[i].val);
  +     }
  +     if (sbuf && *sbuf)
  +       fprintf(f, "%s\n", sbuf);
  +     *argsbuffer = '\0';
  +     fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in);
  +     if (*argsbuffer) {
  +       fputs("%stdout\n", f);
  +       fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  +       while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in) != NULL)
  +     fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  +       fputs("\n", f);
  +     }
  +     *argsbuffer = '\0';
  +     fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err);
  +     if (*argsbuffer) {
  +       fputs("%stderr\n", f);
  +       fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  +       while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err) != NULL)
  +     fputs(argsbuffer, f);
  +       fputs("\n", f);
  +     }
  +     pfclose(r->pool, script_in);
  +     pfclose(r->pool, script_err);
  +     pfclose(r->pool, f);
  +     return ret;
  + }
     * Actual CGI handling...
  *** 95,100 ****
  --- 268,274 ----
    struct cgi_child_stuff {
        request_rec *r;
        int nph;
  +     int debug;
        char *argv0;
  *** 132,138 ****
        chdir_file (r->filename);
  !     error_log2stderr (r->server);
    #ifndef __EMX__
        if (nph) client_to_stdout (r->connection);
  --- 306,313 ----
        chdir_file (r->filename);
  !     if (!cld->debug)
  !       error_log2stderr (r->server);
    #ifndef __EMX__
        if (nph) client_to_stdout (r->connection);
  *** 165,175 ****
    int cgi_handler (request_rec *r)
  !     int retval, nph;
  !     char *argv0;
  !     FILE *script_out, *script_in;
        char argsbuffer[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
        int is_included = !strcmp (r->protocol, "INCLUDED");
        struct cgi_child_stuff cld;
  --- 340,353 ----
    int cgi_handler (request_rec *r)
  !     int retval, nph, dbpos = 0;
  !     char *argv0, *dbuf = NULL;
  !     FILE *script_out, *script_in, *script_err;
        char argsbuffer[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
        int is_included = !strcmp (r->protocol, "INCLUDED");
  +     void *sconf = r->server->module_config;
  +     cgi_server_conf *conf =
  +     (cgi_server_conf *)get_module_config(sconf, &cgi_module);
        struct cgi_child_stuff cld;
  *** 185,217 ****
        else argv0 = r->filename;
        nph = !(strncmp(argv0,"nph-",4));
  -     if (!(allow_options (r) & OPT_EXECCGI) && !is_scriptaliased (r)) {
  -         log_reason("Options ExecCGI is off in this directory", r->filename, 
  -     return FORBIDDEN;
  -     }
  -     if (nph && is_included) {
  -         log_reason("attempt to include NPH CGI script", r->filename, r);
  -     return FORBIDDEN;
  -     }
  -     if (S_ISDIR(r->finfo.st_mode)) {
  -         log_reason("attempt to invoke directory as script", r->filename, r);
  -     return FORBIDDEN;
  -     }
  -     if (r->finfo.st_mode == 0) {
  -         log_reason("script not found or unable to stat", r->filename, r);
  -     return NOT_FOUND;
  -     }
  -     if(!can_exec(&r->finfo)) {
  -         log_reason("file permissions deny server execution", r->filename, 
  -         return FORBIDDEN;
  -     }
        if ((retval = setup_client_block(r)))
        return retval;
        add_common_vars (r);
        cld.argv0 = argv0; cld.r = r; cld.nph = nph;
    #ifdef __EMX__
        if (should_client_block (r)) {
  --- 363,392 ----
        else argv0 = r->filename;
        nph = !(strncmp(argv0,"nph-",4));
  +     if (!(allow_options (r) & OPT_EXECCGI) && !is_scriptaliased (r))
  +     return log_scripterror(r, conf, FORBIDDEN,
  +                            "Options ExecCGI is off in this directory");
  +     if (nph && is_included)
  +     return log_scripterror(r, conf, FORBIDDEN,
  +                            "attempt to include NPH CGI script");
  +     if (S_ISDIR(r->finfo.st_mode))
  +     return log_scripterror(r, conf, FORBIDDEN,
  +                            "attempt to invoke directory as script");
  +     if (r->finfo.st_mode == 0)
  +     return log_scripterror(r, conf, NOT_FOUND,
  +                            "script not found or unable to stat");
  +     if(!can_exec(&r->finfo))
  +     return log_scripterror(r, conf, FORBIDDEN,
  +                            "file permissions deny server execution");
        if ((retval = setup_client_block(r)))
        return retval;
        add_common_vars (r);
        cld.argv0 = argv0; cld.r = r; cld.nph = nph;
  +     cld.debug = conf->logname ? 1 : 0;
    #ifdef __EMX__
        if (should_client_block (r)) {
  *** 234,242 ****
  !      if (!spawn_child (r->connection->pool, cgi_child, (void *)&cld,
  !                    nph ? just_wait : kill_after_timeout, 
  !                    &script_out, nph ? NULL : &script_in)) {
            log_reason ("couldn't spawn child process", r->filename, r);
            return SERVER_ERROR;
  --- 409,418 ----
  !     if (!spawn_child_err (r->connection->pool, cgi_child, (void *)&cld,
  !                       nph ? just_wait : kill_after_timeout, 
  !                       &script_out, nph ? NULL : &script_in,
  !                       &script_err)) {
            log_reason ("couldn't spawn child process", r->filename, r);
            return SERVER_ERROR;
  *** 254,267 ****
    #ifndef __EMX__
         if (should_client_block(r)) {
            void (*handler)();
  !     int len_read;
            hard_timeout ("copy script args", r);
            handler = signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
        while ((len_read = read_client_block (r, argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN)))
            if (fwrite (argsbuffer, 1, len_read, script_out) == 0)
        fflush (script_out);
        signal (SIGPIPE, handler);
  --- 430,457 ----
    #ifndef __EMX__
         if (should_client_block(r)) {
            void (*handler)();
  !     int dbsize, len_read;
  !     if (conf->logname) {
  !         dbuf = pcalloc(r->pool, conf->bufbytes+1);
  !         dbpos = 0;
  !     }
            hard_timeout ("copy script args", r);
            handler = signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
        while ((len_read = read_client_block (r, argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN)))
  +     {
            if (fwrite (argsbuffer, 1, len_read, script_out) == 0)
  +         if (conf->logname) {
  +             if ((dbpos + len_read) > conf->bufbytes)
  +                 dbsize = conf->bufbytes - dbpos;
  +             else dbsize = len_read;
  +             strncpy(dbuf + dbpos, argsbuffer, dbsize);
  +             dbpos += dbsize;
  +         }
  +     }
        fflush (script_out);
        signal (SIGPIPE, handler);
  *** 274,293 ****
        /* Handle script return... */
        if (script_in && !nph) {
  !         char *location;
        int ret;
  !         if ((ret = scan_script_header(r, script_in)))
  !         return ret;
        location = table_get (r->headers_out, "Location");
            if (location && location[0] == '/' && r->status == 200) {
  !             /* Soak up all the script output */
            hard_timeout ("read from script", r);
            while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in) != NULL)
            kill_timeout (r);
  --- 464,485 ----
        /* Handle script return... */
        if (script_in && !nph) {
  !         char *location, sbuf[MAX_STRING_LEN];
        int ret;
  !         if ((ret = scan_script_header_err(r, script_in, sbuf)))
  !         return log_script(r, conf, ret, dbuf, sbuf, script_in, script_err);
        location = table_get (r->headers_out, "Location");
            if (location && location[0] == '/' && r->status == 200) {
  !         /* Soak up all the script output */
            hard_timeout ("read from script", r);
            while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_in) != NULL)
  +         while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err) != NULL)
  +           continue;
            kill_timeout (r);
  *** 310,317 ****
  --- 502,513 ----
        hard_timeout ("send script output", r);
            if(!r->header_only) send_fd (script_in, r);
  +     /* Soak up stderr */
  +     while (fgets(argsbuffer, HUGE_STRING_LEN-1, script_err) != NULL)
  +       continue;
        kill_timeout (r);
        pfclose (r->connection->pool, script_in);
  +     pfclose (r->connection->pool, script_err);
    #ifdef __EMX__
  *** 336,346 ****
       NULL,                    /* initializer */
       NULL,                    /* dir config creater */
       NULL,                    /* dir merger --- default is to override */
  !    NULL,                    /* server config */
  !    NULL,                    /* merge server config */
  !    NULL,                    /* command table */
       cgi_handlers,            /* handlers */
  !    NULL,                    /* filename translation */
       NULL,                    /* check_user_id */
       NULL,                    /* check auth */
       NULL,                    /* check access */
  --- 532,542 ----
       NULL,                    /* initializer */
       NULL,                    /* dir config creater */
       NULL,                    /* dir merger --- default is to override */
  !    create_cgi_config,               /* server config */
  !    merge_cgi_config,                /* merge server config */
  !    cgi_cmds,                        /* command table */
       cgi_handlers,            /* handlers */
  !    NULL,                    /* filename translation */ 
       NULL,                    /* check_user_id */
       NULL,                    /* check auth */
       NULL,                    /* check access */
  1.19      +11 -6     apache/src/util_script.c
  Index: util_script.c
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/util_script.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.18
  retrieving revision 1.19
  diff -C3 -r1.18 -r1.19
  *** util_script.c     1996/08/06 18:30:38     1.18
  --- util_script.c     1996/08/06 19:31:06     1.19
  *** 244,255 ****
  ! int scan_script_header(request_rec *r, FILE *f)
  !     char w[MAX_STRING_LEN];
  !     char *l;
        int p;
        hard_timeout ("read script header", r);
        while(1) {
  --- 244,258 ----
  ! int scan_script_header_err(request_rec *r, FILE *f, char *buffer)
  !     char x[MAX_STRING_LEN];
  !     char *w, *l;
        int p;
  +     if (buffer) *buffer = '\0';
  +     w = buffer ? buffer : x;
        hard_timeout ("read script header", r);
        while(1) {
  *** 279,287 ****
            char malformed[(sizeof 
                strcpy(malformed, MALFORMED_MESSAGE);
                strncat(malformed, w, MALFORMED_HEADER_LENGTH_TO_SHOW);
  !             /* Soak up all the script output --- may save an outright kill 
  !         while (fgets(w, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, f) != NULL)
  !             continue;
            kill_timeout (r);
            log_reason (malformed, r->filename, r);
  --- 282,292 ----
            char malformed[(sizeof 
                strcpy(malformed, MALFORMED_MESSAGE);
                strncat(malformed, w, MALFORMED_HEADER_LENGTH_TO_SHOW);
  !         if (!buffer)
  !           /* Soak up all the script output --- may save an outright kill */
  !           while (fgets(w, MAX_STRING_LEN-1, f) != NULL)
  !             continue;
            kill_timeout (r);
            log_reason (malformed, r->filename, r);
  1.5       +2 -1      apache/src/util_script.h
  Index: util_script.h
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache/src/util_script.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -C3 -r1.4 -r1.5
  *** util_script.h     1996/07/21 20:03:46     1.4
  --- util_script.h     1996/08/06 19:31:09     1.5
  *** 59,65 ****
    char **create_environment(pool *p, table *t);
    void add_cgi_vars(request_rec *r);
    void add_common_vars(request_rec *r);
  ! int scan_script_header(request_rec *r, FILE *f);
    void send_size(size_t size, request_rec *r);
    void call_exec (request_rec *r, char *argv0, char **env, int shellcmd);
  --- 59,66 ----
    char **create_environment(pool *p, table *t);
    void add_cgi_vars(request_rec *r);
    void add_common_vars(request_rec *r);
  ! #define scan_script_header(a1,a2) scan_script_header_err(a1,a2,NULL)
  ! int scan_script_header_err(request_rec *r, FILE *f, char *buffer);
    void send_size(size_t size, request_rec *r);
    void call_exec (request_rec *r, char *argv0, char **env, int shellcmd);

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