coar        97/07/19 09:01:33

  Modified:    .         index.html
        Added descriptions of the ancillary mailing lists (apache-cvs
        and apache-bugdb), and linked in Marc's cvsweb script.  (The
        links to the mailing lists should make it easy to subscribe;
        the advanced mailto: stuff even works on Lynx!)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +50 -0     apache-devsite/index.html
  Index: index.html
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache-devsite/index.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -C3 -r1.5 -r1.6
  *** index.html        1997/07/15 11:14:27     1.5
  --- index.html        1997/07/19 16:01:33     1.6
  *** 89,94 ****
  --- 89,144 ----
           CVS repository.  Not guaranteed to do anything, especially not
           compile or work.
  +    <LI>A Web-based view of the
  +     <A
  +      HREF="";
  +     >CVS history</A>
  +     of the development effort
  +    </LI>
  +   </UL>
  +   <HR>
  +   <H2 ALIGN="CENTER">
  +    Mailing Lists
  +   </H2>
  +   <P>
  +   The Apache Project makes very heavy use of mailing lists.  Aside from
  +   the main development mailing list, the following are also available.
  +   All of these are Majordomo lists, which means that if you want to
  +   subscribe, just send a mail message to
  +   &lt;<A
  +        HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  +       ><SAMP>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</SAMP></A>&gt;
  +   with the following in the message <STRONG>body</STRONG> (<EM>not</EM> the
  +   <STRONG>subject</STRONG>!).  (The &quot;<SAMP>End</SAMP>&quot; keeps
  +   Majordomo from trying to treat any signature text as commands.)
  +   </P>
  +   <P>
  +   <DL>
  +    <DD><SAMP>Subscribe <EM>list-name</EM>
  +     <BR>
  +     End</SAMP>
  +    </DD>
  +   </DL>
  +   </P>
  +   <UL>
  +    <LI><A
  +             HREF="mailto:[EMAIL 
  +        ><SAMP>apache-bugdb</SAMP></A>
  +     <P>
  +     This is the mailing list to which all activity in the problem report
  +     database is logged.  If you are a member of this list, you will
  +     receive a message each time a report is added or modified.
  +     </P>
  +    </LI>
  +    <LI><A
  +             HREF="mailto:[EMAIL 
  +        ><SAMP>apache-cvs</SAMP></A>
  +     <P>
  +     This list is used to notify developers of changes to the master CVS
  +     repository.  As changes are applied, CVS log messages are sent to
  +     everyone who is a member of the list.
  +     </P>
  +    </LI>
    <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->

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