rse         98/04/14 04:32:41

  Modified:    .        INSTALL
  Cleanup and enhance top-level INSTALL file for release:
  - add at least one typical example to give
    the user an impression how to use the configure script
  - add contact informations to give the user
    the next logical step after installation
  - add four important notes to make the usage of
    --enable-shared more clear to the user
  - fix indentation
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +224 -147  apache-1.3/INSTALL
  Index: INSTALL
  RCS file: /export/home/cvs/apache-1.3/INSTALL,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- INSTALL   1998/04/14 08:27:32     1.7
  +++ INSTALL   1998/04/14 11:32:41     1.8
  @@ -93,20 +93,47 @@
           below) manually or at least make sure a Perl 5 interpreter is
           installed from which Apache can guess the options.
  -        For more information about DSO support in Apache 1.3 please
  +        For more in-depth information about DSO support in Apache 1.3 please
           read the file src/README.DSO.
     3. Configuring the source tree
  -     HINT: This is the reference which describes all configuration
  -           possibilities. For real-life configuration examples please 
  -           read the file `README.configure', too.
  +     NOTE: Although we'll often advice you to read the src/Configuration.tmpl
  +           file parts to better understand the various options in this
  +           section, there is at no time any need to _EDIT_ this file. The
  +           _COMPLETE_ configuration takes place via command line arguments to
  +           the ./configure script. The src/Configuration.tmpl file is a
  +           read-only resource, here.
  +     Introduction:
        The next step is to configure the Apache source tree for your particular
  -     system/platform and personal requirements. The most important setup here
  -     is the location prefix where Apache is to be installed later, because
  -     Apache has to be configured for this location to work correctly.
  +     platform and personal requirements. The most important setup here is the
  +     location prefix where Apache is to be installed later, because Apache 
  +     to be configured for this location to work correctly. But there are a 
  +     of other options available for your pleasure.
  +     For a short impression of what possibilities you have, here is a typical
  +     example which compiles Apache with a particular compiler (Pentium-
  +     optimized GCC), a statically compiled mod_auth_db module and the two
  +     additional modules mod_rewrite and mod_proxy for later loading through
  +     the DSO mechanism: 
  +     $ CC="pgcc" OPTIM="-O6 -fstrength-reduce" \
  +       INCLUDES="-I/usr/local/db-1.85/include" \
  +        LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/db-1.85/lib" LIBS="-ldb" \
  +       ./configure --verbose \
  +                   --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
  +                   --enable-module=auth_db \
  +                   --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite \
  +                   --enable-module=proxy   --enable-shared=proxy
  +     The complete reference of all configuration possibilities follows. For
  +     more real-life configuration examples please check out the file
  +     README.configure.
  +     Reference:
        $ [CC=...]        [CFLAGS_SHLIB=...]         
          [OPTIM=...]     [LDFLAGS_SHLIB=...]        
  @@ -128,144 +155,194 @@
                                  [--with-perl=FILE]     [--suexec-userdir=DIR]
  -    LDFLAGS_SHLIB, LDFLAGS_SHLIB_EXPORT and RANLIB environment variables to
  -    override the corresponding default entries in the src/Configuration.tmpl
  -    file (see there for more information about their usage).
  -    Use the --prefix=PREFIX and --exec-prefix=EPREFIX options to configure
  -    Apache to use a particular installation prefix. The default is
  -    PREFIX=/usr/local and EPREFIX=PREFIX.
  -    Use the --bindir=DIR, --sbindir=DIR, --libexecdir=DIR, --mandir=DIR,
  -    --sysconfdir=DIR, --datadir=DIR and --localstatedir=DIR option to change
  -    the paths for particular subdirectories of the installation tree. 
  -    are bindir=EPREFIX/bin, sbindir=EPREFIX/sbin, libexecdir=EPREFIX/libexec,
  -    mandir=PREFIX/man, sysconfdir=PREFIX/etc, datadir=PREFIX/share and
  -    localstatedir=PREFIX/var.
  -    Use the --compat option to install Apache into a installation tree which
  -    has a similar layout than the one used with Apache 1.2.
  -    Use the --layout option to check the final installation path layout while
  -    fiddling with the options above.
  -    Use the --enable-rule=NAME and --disable-rule=NAME options to enable or
  -    disable a particular Rule from the Apache src/Configuration.tmpl file. 
  -    defaults (yes=enabled, no=disabled) can either be seen when running
  -    `./configure --help' or manually looked up in the src/Configuration.tmpl
  -    file.
  -    Use the --add-module=FILE option to copy a module source file to the
  -    Apache src/modules/extra/ directory and on-the-fly add an entry for it in
  -    the configuration file. FILE has to be a valid path to a C source file
  -    outside the Apache source tree, for instance /path/to/mod_foo.c. The 
  -    module this is way is automatically activated and enabled. Use this 
  -    to automatically include a simple third-party module to the Apache build
  -    process.
  -    Use the --activate-module=FILE option to on-the-fly add an entry for an
  -    existing module source file in the configuration file. FILE has to be a
  -    valid path under src/modules/ of the Apache source tree, i.e. it already
  -    has to be copied to this location before.  The module is automatically
  -    enabled. Use this option to automatically include a complex third-party
  -    module to the Apache build process where, for instance a module like
  -    mod_perl or mod_php3 consisting of more than one file which are created 
  -    a third-party configuration scheme.
  -    Use the --enable-module=NAME and --disable-module=NAME options to enable
  -    or disable a particular already distributed module from the Apache
  -    src/Configuration.tmpl file. The defaults (yes=enabled, no=disabled) can
  -    be seen when running `./configure --help'. There are two special NAME
  -    variants: "all" for enabling or disabling all modules and "most" for
  -    enabling or disabling only these modules which are useable on all
  -    platforms (currently this is "all" minus the "auth_db", "log_agent",
  -    "log_referer", "example" and "so" module).
  -    Use the --enable-shared=NAME and --disable-shared=NAME options to enable
  -    or disable the shared object support for a particular module from the
  -    Apache src/Configuration.tmpl file. The defaults (yes=enabled,
  -    no=disabled) can be seen when running `./configure --help'. There are two
  -    special NAME variants: "max" for enabling or disabling all modules except
  -    the bootstrapping "so" module and "remain" for enabling or disabling only
  -    these modules which are still not enabled.
  -    Use the --with-perl=FILE option to select a particular Perl interpreter
  -    executable to be used with Apache. Per default APACI tries to find it
  -    automatically. But if multiple Perl instances exist on your system you
  -    have to select the correct one manually.
  -    Use the --without-support option to explicitly disable the build and
  -    installation of support tools from the src/support/ area. This can be
  -    useful when you have compilation problems with one or more of these not
  -    programs on your platform or if you just don't need them.
  -    Use the --enable-suexec option to enable the suEXEC feature by building
  -    and installing the "suexec" support program. Use --suexec-caller=UID to
  -    set the allowed caller user id and --suexec-userdir=DIR to set the user
  -    subdirectory for this feature.
  -    Use the --shadow option to let APACI create a shadow source tree of the
  -    sources for building. This is useful when you want to build for different
  -    platforms in parallel (usually through a NFS, AFS or DFS mounted
  -    filesystem).
  -    Use the --quiet option to disable all configuration verbose messages.
  -    Use the --verbose option to enable additional verbose messages.
  - 4. Building the package
  -    --------------------
  -    Now you can build the various parts which form the Apache package by
  -    simply running the command
  -       $ make 
  -    Please be patient here, this takes approximately 2 minutes to complete
  -    under a Pentium-166/FreeBSD-2.1 system, dependend on the amount of 
  -    you have enabled. 
  - 5. Installing the package
  -    ----------------------
  -    Now its time to install the package under the configured installation
  -    PREFIX (see --prefix above) by running:
  -       $ make install
  -    For the paranoid hackers under us: The above command really installs 
  -    prefix _only_, i.e. no other stuff from your system is touched. Even if
  -    you upgrade an existing installation your configuration files in
  -    PREFIX/etc/ are preserved.
  - 6. Testing the package
  -    -------------------
  -    Now you can fire up your Apache HTTP server by immediately running
  -       $ PREFIX/sbin/apachectl start
  -    and then you should be able to request your first document via URL
  -    http://localhost/. Then stop the server again by running:
  -       $ PREFIX/sbin/apachectl stop
  - 7. Customizing the package
  -    -----------------------
  -    Finally you can customize your Apache HTTP server by editing the
  -    configuration files under PREFIX/etc/.
  -       $ vi PREFIX/etc/httpd.conf
  -       $ vi PREFIX/etc/access.conf
  -       $ vi PREFIX/etc/srm.conf
  -    Have a look at the Apache manual under http://localhost/manual/ or
  - for a complete reference of available
  -    configuration directives.
  -    Thanks for running Apache.
  -                                         The Apache Group
  +     LDFLAGS_SHLIB, LDFLAGS_SHLIB_EXPORT and RANLIB environment variables to
  +     override the corresponding default entries in the src/Configuration.tmpl
  +     file (see there for more information about their usage).
  +     Use the --prefix=PREFIX and --exec-prefix=EPREFIX options to configure
  +     Apache to use a particular installation prefix. The default is
  +     PREFIX=/usr/local and EPREFIX=PREFIX.
  +     Use the --bindir=DIR, --sbindir=DIR, --libexecdir=DIR, --mandir=DIR,
  +     --sysconfdir=DIR, --datadir=DIR and --localstatedir=DIR option to change
  +     the paths for particular subdirectories of the installation tree. 
  +     are bindir=EPREFIX/bin, sbindir=EPREFIX/sbin, 
  +     mandir=PREFIX/man, sysconfdir=PREFIX/etc, datadir=PREFIX/share and
  +     localstatedir=PREFIX/var.
  +     Use the --compat option to install Apache into a installation tree which
  +     has a similar layout than the one used with Apache 1.2.
  +     Use the --layout option to check the final installation path layout 
  +     fiddling with the options above.
  +     Use the --enable-rule=NAME and --disable-rule=NAME options to enable or
  +     disable a particular Rule from the Apache src/Configuration.tmpl file. 
  +     defaults (yes=enabled, no=disabled) can either be seen when running
  +     `./configure --help' or manually looked up in the src/Configuration.tmpl
  +     file.
  +     Use the --add-module=FILE option to copy a module source file to the
  +     Apache src/modules/extra/ directory and on-the-fly add an entry for it 
  +     the configuration file. FILE has to be a valid path to a C source file
  +     outside the Apache source tree, for instance /path/to/mod_foo.c. The 
  +     module this is way is automatically activated and enabled. Use this 
  +     to automatically include a simple third-party module to the Apache build
  +     process.
  +     Use the --activate-module=FILE option to on-the-fly add an entry for an
  +     existing module source file in the configuration file. FILE has to be a
  +     valid path under src/modules/ of the Apache source tree, i.e. it already
  +     has to be copied to this location before.  The module is automatically
  +     enabled. Use this option to automatically include a complex third-party
  +     module to the Apache build process where, for instance a module like
  +     mod_perl or mod_php3 consisting of more than one file which are created 
  +     a third-party configuration scheme.
  +     Use the --enable-module=NAME and --disable-module=NAME options to enable
  +     or disable a particular already distributed module from the Apache
  +     src/Configuration.tmpl file. The correct module names (no `mod_' 
  +     and defaults (yes=enabled, no=disabled) can be seen when running
  +     `./configure --help'.  There are two special NAME variants: "all" for
  +     enabling or disabling all modules and "most" for enabling or disabling
  +     only these modules which are useable on all platforms (currently this is
  +     "all" minus the modules auth_db, log_agent, log_referer, example, so and
  +     mmap_static).
  +     Use the --enable-shared=NAME and --disable-shared=NAME options to enable
  +     or disable the shared object support for a particular module from the
  +     Apache src/Configuration.tmpl file. The defaults (yes=enabled,
  +     no=disabled) can be seen when running `./configure --help'. There are 
  +     special NAME variants: "max" for enabling or disabling all modules 
  +     the bootstrapping "so" module and "remain" for enabling or disabling 
  +     these modules which are still not enabled. 
  +         Note 1: The --enable-shared option DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY enable the
  +                 module because there are variants like `--enable-shared=all'
  +                 which should not imply `--enable-module=all'.  
  +         Note 2: The --enable-shared option only implies the preparation of
  +                 LoadModule commands in the httpd.conf file for the "make
  +                 install" procedure. But these LoadModule lines are per
  +                 default out-commented. So, --enable-shared does not imply 
  +                 automatic use of the module. The only exception are modules
  +                 which have to be enabled because of their usage in the
  +                 provided sample configuration. To actually use DSO-based
  +                 modules you have to uncomment the corresponding LoadModule
  +                 lines in PREFIX/etc/httpd.conf after "make install".
  +         Note 3: Per default the DSO mechanism is globally disabled, i.e. no
  +                 modules are build as shared objects.
  +         Note 4: The usage of any --enable-shared option automatically 
  +                 a --enable-module=so option because the bootstrapping module
  +                 mod_so is always needed for DSO support.
  +     Use the --with-perl=FILE option to select a particular Perl interpreter
  +     executable to be used with Apache. Per default APACI tries to find it
  +     automatically. But if multiple Perl instances exist on your system you
  +     have to select the correct one manually.
  +     Use the --without-support option to explicitly disable the build and
  +     installation of support tools from the src/support/ area. This can be
  +     useful when you have compilation problems with one or more of these not
  +     programs on your platform or if you just don't need them.
  +     Use the --enable-suexec option to enable the suEXEC feature by building
  +     and installing the "suexec" support program. Use --suexec-caller=UID to
  +     set the allowed caller user id and --suexec-userdir=DIR to set the user
  +     subdirectory for this feature.
  +     Use the --shadow option to let APACI create a shadow source tree of the
  +     sources for building. This is useful when you want to build for 
  +     platforms in parallel (usually through a NFS, AFS or DFS mounted
  +     filesystem).
  +     Use the --quiet option to disable all configuration verbose messages.
  +     Use the --verbose option to enable additional verbose messages.
  +  4. Building the package
  +     --------------------
  +     Now you can build the various parts which form the Apache package by
  +     simply running the command
  +        $ make 
  +     Please be patient here, this takes approximately 2 minutes to complete
  +     under a Pentium-166/FreeBSD-2.2 system, dependend on the amount of 
  +     you have enabled. 
  +  5. Installing the package
  +     ----------------------
  +     Now its time to install the package under the configured installation
  +     PREFIX (see --prefix option above) by running:
  +        $ make install
  +     For the paranoid hackers under us: The above command really installs 
  +     prefix _only_, i.e. no other stuff from your system is touched. Even if
  +     you upgrade an existing installation your configuration files in
  +     PREFIX/etc/ are preserved.
  +  6. Testing the package
  +     -------------------
  +     Now you can fire up your Apache HTTP server by immediately running
  +        $ PREFIX/sbin/apachectl start
  +     and then you should be able to request your first document via URL
  +     http://localhost/. Then stop the server again by running:
  +        $ PREFIX/sbin/apachectl stop
  +  7. Customizing the package
  +     -----------------------
  +     Finally you can customize your Apache HTTP server by editing the
  +     configuration files under PREFIX/etc/.
  +        $ vi PREFIX/etc/httpd.conf
  +        $ vi PREFIX/etc/access.conf
  +        $ vi PREFIX/etc/srm.conf
  +     Have a look at the Apache manual under http://localhost/manual/ or
  + for a complete reference of available
  +     configuration directives.
  +  8. Contacts
  +     --------
  +     o If you want to be informed about new code releases, bug fixes, 
  +       security fixes, general news and information about the Apache server
  +       subscribe to the apache-announce mailing list as described under
  +       <>.
  +     o If you want freely available support for running Apache please join
  +       the Apache user community by subscribing to the USENET newsgroup
  +       <comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix>.
  +     o If you want commercial support for running Apache please contact
  +       one of the companies and contractors which are listed at
  +       <>.
  +     o If you have any feedback, ideas or suggestions for the Apache server
  +       please contact the Apache Group via E-mail at 
  +       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
  +     o If you have a concrete bug report for Apache please go to the
  +       Apache Group Bug Database and submit your report:
  +       <>.
  +     o If you want to participate in actively developing Apache please
  +       subscribe to the new-httpd mailing list as described at
  +       <>.
  +     Thanks for running Apache.
  +                                          The Apache Group

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