On 14 Apr 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   +#   install the Apache C header files 
>   +install-include:
>   +   @echo "===> [include: Installing Apache C header files]"
>   +   $(CP) $(SRC)/include/*.h $(includedir)/
>   +   osdir=`grep '^OSDIR' $(SRC)/Makefile.config | sed -e 's:^OSDIR=::'`; \
>   +   $(CP) $(SRC)/$$osdir/os.h $(includedir)/
>   +   @echo "<=== [include]"

Hang on a sec here! 

I haven't looked at any of this stuff before, but this is just 
plain broken.  (yes, it was there before I just didn't notice...)

I run "configure" on my system.

I end up with a Makefile (by default) that installs things in
completely different places from where all the docs say, that 
creates a /usr/local/var (I have never heard of any OS where this
is legit to have!), screws with my /usr/local/include directory 
by installing all Apache includes in it, etc.  

This is _not_ good.  Part of it is just the horrible hassles of having
two "recommended" ways of installing things and having to support
both, part is just brokenness in the current setup.

Some good work has gone into this, and it has some good features,
however I am still very leery of it and the pain it can cause, both
for the user and for us trying to support it.

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