On 6 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   - The directory entry for a file doesn't have it's size attribute updated 
> until
>     the file is closed or flushed.

I don't like this.  I would rather have the file flushed each time data is
written to it, than have to close the file to update the directory update.
I saw this same problem on Windows, and I just decided to flush the
buffer.  IMHO, the OS is broken if it is buffering output to a file, but
not using that buffer at ALL time the file is referenced.

Do you have any strong objections to putting the test back the way it was,
and flushing the file with each write.  I know it will cause a performance
hit, but it will make the results more predicatable.


Ryan Bloom              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
4205 S Miami Blvd       
RTP, NC 27709           It's a beautiful sight to see good dancers 
                        doing simple steps.  It's a painful sight to
                        see beginners doing complicated patterns.       

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