Ryan Bloom wrote:
> >
> >   -    if ((*new)->filedes < 0 && (*new)->filehand == NULL) {
> >   +    if ((*new)->filedes < 0 || (*new)->filehand == NULL) {
> >           (*new)->filedes = -1;
> >           (*new)->eof_hit = 1;
> >            return errno;
> This is wrong.  This says that we NEVER open the file correctly.  This is
> because we only ever set one of the two options, either the filedes or the
> filehand, NEVER both.

Yeah but filedes == 0 when you use filehand (which is possibly a bug).

>  We are checking for the error condition, not the
> successful case.  Either the filedes or the filehand WILL be not set after
> each open.  I have serious doubts that the code even works anymore.  If
> it does, it is only because we aren't checking return code properly.

OK, well it didn't work before, and it now does _when_ it is using
filehand. I agree this it is still broken, though, but less so than




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who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
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     - Indira Gandhi

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