>    Release:
>   -
>   -    2.0: In pre-alpha development
>   -

When did we get out of pre-alpha development?  Last time I checked, we
hadn't released an alpha, and that means this is still pre-alpha code.  I
would like this put back, because there are still some changes that need
to be made before we "officially" release an alpha.

It isn't so much functionality, as it is making the code use APR all over
the place, but if we make the change after the alpha release, we make it
much harder for people to port modules.

>   -Plan:
>   -    * Vague goal of an alpha or beta release in 1999. Commit-then-review
>   -      is active.
>   +    Assuming more features aren't demanded for the 2.0 release
>   +    2.0a1/b1: January 2000
>   +    2.0     : Early 2000

I guess I'm wondering when this was decided.  I would like to see an alpha
in January, a beta in February, and a release when it is ready.  We
released 7 beta's for 1.3, I expect almost as many if not more for 2.0.  I
don't want to make grand plans to release 2.0 in "early 2000" if we can't
meet it.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
6209 H Shanda Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27609               Ryan Bloom -- thinker, adventurer, artist,
                                     writer, but mostly, friend.

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