On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, shath...@e-z.net wrote:
Portland State University - School of Engineering - hosts the Portland Linux Users Group meetings. The school is within walking distance of the Hilton. The students should be an excellent resource for ApacheCon-NA. It would be good to drop by the school and put some postings on their activity board(s).

Has someone managed to let both the Uni and the LUG know? The BarCamp is about a week away now, so it'd be good to remind the locals that we're coming and we'd love to see them!

Also, does anyone know any Portlander with a strong twitter following amongst the local tech community? If so, it would be good to reach out to them and ask them if they'd mind passing on the details of the BarCamp, to help get the word out some more to people who might want to pop along


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