"Jimmy O'Regan" <jore...@gmail.com>

> On 15 December 2011 10:13, Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> wrote:
>> El dj 15 de 12 de 2011 a les 10:42 +0100, en/na Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
>> va escriure:
>>> "Jimmy O'Regan" <jore...@gmail.com>
>>> writes:
>>> > On 14 December 2011 20:19, Pim Otte <otte....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> I'm not sure how i should get the output of the analyser.
>>> >>
>>> >> but running the makefile itself results in an empty af-tagger-data/af.dic
>>> >>
>>> >> running this line: after creating af.dic.expand gives usage on lt-proc
>>> >> usage "lt-proc -e -w -a af-nl.automorf.bin < af.dic.expanded"
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > Well, there's your problem. Usage prints to stderr, hence empty file.
>>> >
>>> >> Any pointers?
>>> >
>>> > -a is the mode switch, it should be the first option. -w is completely
>>> > superfluous for tagger training, get rid of it. If you want to train a
>>> > tagger that's aware of pin-the-tail-on-the-compound mode, you'll
>>> > probably have to do something extra, because (IIRC) it's only invoked
>>> > when it encounters words that are not in the dictionary, which will
>>> > never be the case on an expansion of the dictionary - so either
>>> > manually add a bunch of compounds, or get rid of that, too.
>>> -e is the compound thing, -w just ensures lemmas don't get surface case
>>> applied (I guess that's pointless too though?)
>> Do you think the error might be because it finds a word which has a
>> compound analysis, but that isn't in the dictionary ?
> That shouldn't happen, because the input is the expansion of the
> dictionary. If it is the case, it's most likely that the filtering of
> the expansion is faulty.
> But that's beside the point, the problem is that the options, as
> specified, are triggering the usage information. This could be because
> 1) -a needs to be first; or 2) some conflict among -a, -w, -e. If it's
> a conflict between -a and -w and/or -e, then that's a bug in the
> option handling in lt-proc, and someone who cares about -w and -e
> should fix it (i.e., it ain't gonna be me).
> If it's 2), my point is that the bug can be worked around by simply
> omitting -w and -e, because they do nothing -- or omit -a, because
> it's the default mode. Whatever works. I'm sure that -w does nothing
> in this context, but I'm not entirely sure about -e - my recollection
> is that it is engaged if and only if there is no dictionary analysis
> of the word, which, see above, should not happen. I don't know, I've
> never used it.
> Leading from that, if you want to train the tagger to have some
> awareness of these guesses at compounds, then the tagger dictionary
> will need to contain material other than the expansion of the
> dictionary.
> $ echo foo |lt-proc -w -a   en-es.automorf.bin
> ^foo/*foo$
> It's not 1)
> $ echo foo |lt-proc -e -a   en-es.automorf.bin
> lt-proc: process a stream with a letter transducer
> [SNIP]
> It's a conflict between -e and -a.

I think that was because -e can be seen as a replacement for -a (another
"main mode", and it doesn't make sense to use it with -b nor -g), so I'd
say it's a not-a-bug.

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

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