Mikel Forcada <m...@dlsi.ua.es> writes:


>         There is one thing that could be easily solved. Víctor Sánchez
>         (cc-ed) maybe can help you. When one uses the Apertium
>         webservice from inside OmegaT, we avoid translating the tags
>         (<u0>, etc.). Some minor changes were made to the code that
>         calls Apertium as a webservice (you'll easily find them, but
>         if not, I can help) and some changes were made in the
>         webservice itself (Víctor can help here). I think it is a
>         matter of using some regular expressions to hide these in some
>         way...
>     I guess that you are talking about this. I might be blind, but I
>     haven't been able to identify the relevant piece of code there...
> You're right. Most of the work is done at the Apertium server when it
> receives format=omegat. 

Perhaps you can just use the

    translate me<apertium-notrans>don't translate me</apertium-notrans>

method, this works in e.g. html and html-noent formats (grep tells me it
should also be supported in odt, pptx, xlsx, wxml).


>     Yes. We should probably create a new directory in SVN and start
>     creating and uploading packages for every language pair. The
>     question is how to maintain it in long-term: we could integrate my
>     script in the makefiles of each language pair to make things
>     easier (although the dependency of Android-SDK and lttoolbox-java
>     can still be a problem for some people), but we would still need
>     the implication of every language pair developer in Apertium (or
>     some responsible to take care of the whole maintenance).
> This deserves a deeper thought. Any ideas?

I liked the idea of just adding a make goal, though perhaps the script
could be installed by lttoolbox-java (since that's a dependency of the
script anyway), so that copies wouldn't be required by every language

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

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