El 2018-11-08 14:13, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer escribió:
Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> čálii:

Maybe it'd make sense to have that as an option to apertium-destxt or
similar? So "apertium -f lines -d . tat-mansur" would add the -z's and
run with NUL's on each line, making the tools treat each line
separately, as if you'd just typed 'echo "$line"|apertium -d
. tat-mansur'
for every line.

That would be a good feature, but wouldn't get past the issue of the
tagger/cg. E.g. if we do that then the tagger can't take into account

Isn't that the whole point? (Ie. treat each line as completely
independent, no context.)

I don't think so, I think Mansur wants the tagger to disambiguate according to the context, but have it in line-by-line output, like TreeTagger or UDpipe


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