No. That is so far beyond the realm of spambot behavior that we don't need
to worry about it. No spambot is advanced enough to request registration
via a completely unrelated website and mailing list, or IRC channel.

-- Tino Didriksen

On Tue, 17 Mar 2020 at 05:59, Scoop Gracie <> wrote:

> I think we need a better way to register wiki accounts. There is nothing
> stopping a spambot from sending an email to Apertium-stuff with a username
> and getting a wiki account (because we would think it was a person).
> Obviously, we would catch this if it happened rapidly, but in the lead up
> to GSoC, doing it once a day or so with different (possibly spoofed)
> addresses wouldn't look suspicious, and even after we knew about the
> attack, how would we know which future messages were bots?
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