Dear Apertium contributors,

Now that is up, we find that there are a
lot of languages that do not have a "fallback" for most localisations.
By "fallback", I just mean the names of the languages in the languages
themselves.  This is what will be seen by most users in most languages
for most language and variant names, since full localisation of every
language name in every language is near impossible.¹

There is an issue open for this on GitHub:

If you can contribute correct names for these languages and variants,
you may add them to the issue (and I will add them later), or you may
add them to the codebase directly (or by PR).

Somewhat less importantly, if you can contribute localisations in
other languages for these (or anything else missing), please consider
doing that as well.  Also important is localising the website

¹ Note that a number of these languages and variants have English
localisations already, so depending on your browser's locale, you may
end up not seeing some of these as "missing".


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