The improvement is huge. The compile time is now a looot faster! Many
thanks, Daniel!!
As for the warnings, in principle it is OK. The problem is that the line
codes are not working, just as they didn't previously. If I "touch *t1x"
and recompile apertium-oci-fra, I get (after one or two seconds!) :

$ touch *t1x
$ make
apertium-validate-transfer oci-fra.t1x
apertium-preprocess-transfer oci-fra.t1x oci-fra.t1x.bin
Warning at line 12933, column 15: Rule 97 has the same pattern as rule 4.
Warning at line 15492, column 9: Rule 140 has the same pattern as rule 139.
apertium-validate-transfer oci@gascon-fra.t1x
apertium-preprocess-transfer oci@gascon-fra.t1x o...@gascon-fra.t1x.bin
Warning at line 12983, column 32: Rule 98 has the same pattern as rule 4.
Warning at line 15542, column 20: Rule 141 has the same pattern as rule
140. Skipping.
apertium-validate-transfer fra-oci.t1x
apertium-preprocess-transfer fra-oci.t1x fra-oci.t1x.bin
apertium-validate-transfer fra-oci@gascon.t1x
apertium-preprocess-transfer fra-oci@gascon.t1x fra-...@gascon.t1x.bin
Warning at line 12983, column 32: Rule 98 has the same pattern as rule 4.
Warning at line 15542, column 20: Rule 141 has the same pattern as rule
140. Skipping.
apertium-validate-transfer fra-oci.t1x
apertium-preprocess-transfer fra-oci.t1x fra-oci.t1x.bin
apertium-validate-transfer fra-oci@gascon.t1x
apertium-preprocess-transfer fra-oci@gascon.t1x fra-...@gascon.t1x.bin

So, for instance, there isn't any rule in oci-fra.t1x which begins at line
12933 or 15492. In addition, preprocessing often removes comments from rule
headers, so that even if you have the right line, it is not easy to find
the rule in the source code. I should put this as issues, but I have always
been lazy.


Missatge de Daniel Swanson <> del dia dl., 26 de
juny 2023 a les 23:01:

> Greetings Apertiumers!
> I recently identified a way that apertium-preprocess-transfer was
> being rather inefficient and today I fixed it, so tomorrow you all
> should be able to update to apertium 3.9.4 and see some improved
> compile times for any pairs not using apertium-recursive, with
> speedups between 10x and 7000x faster on the files I tested.
> I'm writing this email to let you know that in the process
> apertium-preprocess-transfer lost the ability to report partial
> overlaps like the following:
> Warning at line 6867, column 4: Paths to rule 27 blocked by rule 24.
> And I just wanted to let you all know, in case someone was depending
> on those. To compensate, I added a check to apertium-lint which can
> report roughly the same information:
> Warning (overlapping-paths) on line 6852: The sequence [preadv
> vblex.pp n.*] matches both this rule and the rule on line 6628.
> Daniel, who is trying to get better at not doing things that
> potentially break people's workflows without telling them
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