
I'm running into TimeOut issues when implementing a multi-threaded approach to 
read all of LDAP/AD into memory, starting with the CEO and trickling down.  I 
haven't been using the LdapConnectionPool, so I thought that I'd give that a 
try to see if it solves my TimeOut issues.  I'm setting the timeout for my 
cursor and connection to 300,000 milliseconds, however the timeout consistently 
occurs around 30 seconds I've noticed.

Anyway, I read the docs concerning implementing an LdapConnectionPool, but the 
example doesn't show you how to use the connection pool.

Does the following method use the LdapConnectionPool the correct way?

public Person searchLdapUsingConnectionPool() {
             SearchCursor cursor = new SearchCursorImpl(null, 30000, 
             LdapConnectionPool pool = null;
             LdapConnection connection = null;
             Person p = null;
             try {
                    LdapConnectionConfig config = new LdapConnectionConfig();
                    config.setLdapHost( host );
                    config.setLdapPort( port );
                    config.setName( dn );
                    config.setCredentials( pwd );
                    DefaultPoolableLdapConnectionFactory factory = new 
DefaultPoolableLdapConnectionFactory( config );
                    pool = new LdapConnectionPool( factory );
                    pool.setTestOnBorrow( true );
                    connection = pool.getConnection();

                    Entry entry = null;

            SearchRequest sr = new SearchRequestImpl();
            sr.setBase(new Dn(searchBase));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ceoQuery);
            sr.setScope( SearchScope.SUBTREE );
            cursor = connection.search(sr);
            Response response;

            while (cursor.next() && cursor.isEntry()) {
                response = cursor.get();
                entry = cursor.getEntry();
                EntryMapper<Person> em = Person.getEntryMapper();
                   p = em.map(entry);
        } catch (LdapException ex) {
null, ex);
        } catch (CursorException ex) {
null, ex);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (LdapException ex) {
null, ex);

        return p;

It seems like I just need to grab a connection via pool.getConnection(), but I 
don't know for sure if I'm using it the recommended way.  The method is working 
as expected and returning a Person object.

-        Chris
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