
I have found what I consider a bug during schema processing. The ObjectClassHelper buildMust and buildMay methods stopped when the first error was encountered. I think that this is not correct. They should continue until all the errors are detected. Stopping on first error will result in incomplete schema: the attributes until that error will be part of the schema, the attributes after the error will not. The result should be that either no attribute is part of the schema or all parsable atributes are part of the schema. So I took the liberty of fixing that in rev.1696365. I have chosen the latter approach as that seems to be more consistent with current implementation.

And also ... the side effect of that change is also the ability to process eDirectory schema. And this is also the way how I found this bug. As a fun fact, the eDirectory schema seems to contain two attributes with the same OID:

attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113719. NAME 'sasNMASProductOptions ' SYNTAX{64512} SINGLE-VALUE X-NDS_PUBLIC_READ '1' ) attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113719. NAME 'rADIUSActiveConnectio ns' SYNTAX{64512} X-NDS_NAME 'RADIUS:Active Con nections' X-NDS_NOT_SCHED_SYNC_IMMEDIATE '1' )

I could not believe my eyes when I've seen that. I still hope that this is really some kind of my error. But I have confirmed it in two independent instances of eDirectory 8.8.

Radovan Semancik
Software Architect

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