The debugger tells me that api request controls are loaded in 

So, I added my RelaxControl into the api code space, and added this blurb to 
StockCodecFactoryUtil class:

ControlFactory<RelaxControl> relaxControlFactory = new RelaxControlFactory( 
apiService );
requestControlFactories.put( relaxControlFactory.getOid(), relaxControlFactory 

Once registered the control is found by the runtime and things become … well 
Relaxed ;-)


> On Jun 23, 2021, at 3:04 PM, Shawn McKinney <> wrote:
> Onto the next problem…
> As described back in April on this ML:
> [Relax Control and password 
> policies](
> I added support to use the Relax Control to the fortress core code base.
> Moving onto 2.x API this control this code is now broken.
> Specifically, I get this error when adding the control to an ldap request:
> ```
> : ERR_08002_CANNOT_FIND_CONTROL_FACTORY failed to find a control factory for 
> control OID: 
> 2021-06-23 14:36:023 WARN  LdapNetworkConnection:2478 - 
> ERR_08002_CANNOT_FIND_CONTROL_FACTORY failed to find a control factory for 
> control OID:
> org.apache.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolEncoderException: 
> ERR_08002_CANNOT_FIND_CONTROL_FACTORY failed to find a control factory for 
> control OID:
> ```
> Revisiting this example:
> I noticed that the decorator and factory classes weren’t implemented in my 
> solution.  Actually, as I recall, I did add them, but realized they weren’t 
> needed (with 1.x) and so I removed them.
> I’ve since readded them:
> 1. 
> [RelaxControlFactory](
> 2. 
> [RelaxControlDecorator](
> To the existing two:
> 3. 
> [RelaxControl](
> 4. 
> [RelaxControlImpl](
> During the readding of the decorator and factory, I also noticed that the 
> example implentation referenced above does not match its associated 
> interfaces, i.e. has changed since 1.x.  
> So, I hacked a bit more to get my code to compile knowing that it's probably 
> not right and guess what -- it isn’t.
> Same error as above.  
> Any help getting past this one is appreciated.
> Still poking around 2.0 codebase to find viable example (for 2.0), and will 
> keep looking.
> Thanks
> —
> Shawn

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