Hi Amenel,

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 03:55:34PM +0100, Amenel VOGLOZIN wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using a c.s.s.awt.UnoControlGrid to display tabular
> informationin an extension and I have noticed this oddity: the
> horizontal scrollbar is indexed on the number of columns.
> Here is my 5-column setup: * column 1: width 16 (non-resizeable)
> * column 2: width 16 too (non-resizeable) * column 3: resizeable, with
> column width=80 (min width=80)
> * column 4: resizeable, with column width=234 (min width=234)
> * column 5: resizeable, with column width=100 (min width=100)
> The width of the control (346) is such that columns 1 to 4 are
> entirely visible. Column 5 is not visible when the control loads but
> as a user, I see the scroll bar as a means to make the hidden part of
> the viewport visible, ie the missing width of 100.
> The problem is that I was expecting the horizontal scrollbar to
> represent a viewport ratio, i.e. what the currently (horizontally)
> visible part of the grid represents with respect to the cumulated
> width of all columns.
> What I get is that the scrollbar actually makes the viewport "hop"
> from one column to the other: the left of the control's viewport
> always coincides with the left border of a column (this is exactly the
> behavior that can be seen in Calc). As such, in case the last column
> is wider that the first non-visible column on the left of the control
> (in this case, col 5 is wider than col 2), the last column is **not**
> displayed in its entirety: it is clipped and there's no way to see its
> contents. For an illustration, please see the
> "UnoControlGrid-scrollbar at far right position" attachment.

Most attachments are stripped in the mailing lists (only plain text
attachments seem to pass).

The grid control has several bugs, this seems to be one, see

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

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